August, 2010 – Wellington Chamber Luncheon: August


Wellington Chamber Luncheon: August

Please join us on August 25, 2010 at our Wellington Chamber Luncheon.  This luncheon will be sponsored by the Village of Wellington .

Mayor Bowen will present highlights of Wellington ’s accomplishments related to economic development and strategic planning, neighborhood stabilization and home preservation programs, business community initiatives, Safe Neighborhoods, Town Center projects and government transparency efforts. 

Lunch will be catered by Moe’s Southwest Grill and the luncheon will be held at the Wellington Community Center , 12165 Forest Hill Blvd.  

Registration begins at 11:30 AM- The luncheon will be gin promptly at Noon .  $ 20.00 for members with RSVP, $ 25.00 for members with no RSVP, $ 30.00 all others.  PLEASE CALL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE!



Michela Perillo-Green

Executive Director

Wellington Chamber of Commerce

561-792-6525 Phone

561-792-6200 Fax

[email protected]