August, 2012 – Request for Submissions…Holocaust Stories


Request For Submission of 2G and 3G Stories of The Holocaust

Frannie Sheridan(co-writer of The Waltonsteins(IRT’96), author of Confessions Of A Jewish Shiksa…Dancing On Hitler’s Grave!) is assembling living stories told by 2g and 3g children of the Holocaust(or nieces/nephews) as well as Gentiles whose relatives were targetted by the Nazis. Please submit a 600-1000 wd max story to her about what your parents or grandparents or close relative went through surviving the Holocaust, and how it impacted you as well as some endearing and even humorous experiences you’ve had with them. You can choose to remain anonymous or not. If you are uncomfortable with writing, and can meet with her personally to be recorded or speak with her by phone as well as answer a few questions, please contact Frannie via email to look at setting that up. Frannie wrote; “I am creating a theatre show with the purpose of keeping our stories alive now and after the survivors have gone. I am using the successful show The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler as a paradigm. Although initially I may read the stories to audiences myself, my goal is to eventually have other actors read them, well know Jewish and non Jewish actors but all very pro-Jewish and celebs, tour the show from city to city, and keep our stories alive. Since the word Holocaust has become to many antisemites and people who just don’t understand, synonymous with the “F”-word, I am calling the show ‘The H-Word’. As a child of 2 Jewish Holocaust survivors whose main body of work has been performing and writing shows about my family story internationally since 1995, I come well equipped with experience and some visibility. The next performance of my proudly Jewish solo 70% dramatic show Confessions Of A Jewish Shiksa…Dancing On Hitler’s Grave! is being produced by The Jewish Center of The Palm Beaches in October.Frannie’s direct email address is:

 [email protected]
Frannie Sheridan
Performer,Writer,Cookie Eater
Frannie Sheridan
Performer,Writer,Cookie Eater