An Interview with Author Manuel A. Lopez
By Marla E. Schwartz
Manuel A. Lopez, a Cuban-American author living in Miami has written an outstanding novella, ROOM AT THE TOP, A Gay Man’s Search For Prince Charming. (eRIGINAL Books: $9.99, 2nd edition & TheWrightDeal, 1st edition). He’s traveled around the country speaking to crowds of admirers about this book and has made appearances at Books and Books in Coral Gables and Miami Book Fair International (MBFI).

We’re all familiar with the moniker, Prince Charming, as it’s been used in many folktales such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. And the idea that when we’re young we think about growing up and meeting someone who’ll sweep us off our feet and love us unconditionally, through eternity, is what we hope for from our Prince Charming. And Manny has beautifully applied this hope and desire to the gay community in his very touching book of short stories.
And how wonderful it is to read a story collection about this theme from the gay perspective – as Manny’s voice and style of writing is an important one, which should continue to be nourished and encouraged. He came to the United States at the age of ten with his family in the Mariel Boatlift and his mother worked as a manicurist to support the family. His mother was a strong influence on him and he started writing poems in Spanish at an early age. He believes that the loneliness he found in being different (gay) while growing up pushed him to write poems and led him to compile his personal short stories in his latest book.
When he came out about being gay his mother and sister were supportive. How did he come out? Well, his sister read his personal diary, which at first upset him but they reconciled. One aunt wasn’t supportive; after all, he was raised Catholic.
The title of his book came from the fact that he lived in a loft in the Shenandoah area of the city of Miami. His bed was a bunk bed built toward the top of the ceiling of the loft, giving him a top down view of his living quarters. He loved his loft because it was a place where he got his inspiration and creativity.
It was after his presentation at MBFI 201, that he took the time to answer some questions about his novella.
AroundWellington (AW): Your book is wonderful! When did you first begin to come up with the idea of writing it?
Manuel A. Lopez (MAL): I started to write these stories about two-years ago, and sometimes a couple of them were published in my blog.
AW: How did you decide to unite these stories in a short story collection?
MAL: Honestly, it wasn’t my idea. I was in Taos visiting writer Teresita Dovalpage (, and she asked me if I had any work I could let her read besides poetry, and I mentioned these stories and she asked me to email them to her, and upon my return, I did. She was working with TheWrightDeal and the editor was interested in publishing them, and I was very much surprised, but thrilled at the same time.
AW: Did you have a particular writing schedule for writing just this book, or is it the same for everything you write?
MAL: I cannot program myself to write, it happens, and when it does if I can’t seem to do it at that moment, I email myself so that I won’t forget later.

AW: The forward of your book is written by Lourdes Simón, is she from the book’s publisher eRIGINAL Books (2nd edition) or TheWrightDeal (1st edition)? If not, explain your association with Lourdes?
MAL: Lourdes Simón is an excellent actress, singer, writer, and much more who is a dear friend of mine, but she is not associated with any of these two organizations. I asked her to write the prologue because I admire her immensely and she has an incredible sense of humor which I craved for this book.
AW: I really enjoy your use of spirituality in this book. I.E: Chapter, “Fourth of July,” pg. 36, where the character discusses two books that he uses as spiritual guides and in chapter, “Weekend Getaway”, pg. 48 – “People passing by, each with a different air; a dark or light aura”, and of course, the ‘psychic’ that you mention on the last page of the book — so I’m wondering are these autobiographical elements that you added into the book? Explain your use of spirituality and why it’s important to you, please.
MAL: These are definitely autobiographical elements. I am a spiritual person. I don’t belong to any religion simply because I detest being grouped, and also because I take what I like from various religions and put them into my very own way of being religious or spiritual; which is very important for my everyday life. At all levels.

AW: Do you have any other autobiographical elements in it, such as on pg. 80, when the protagonist meets Chuck in the appropriately titled chapter, The Last American?
MAL: I do, but these were not it at all. There are lots of elements but mostly are focused on the setting, the likes in music, art and film being mentioned and things of that nature. I never met The Last American.
AW: Is there any particular story in your book that moves you the most?
MAL: “Sunday Morning Knocks on my Door”… because there are so many people out there who are unhappy with their lives, with their choices and many other things… and I’ve always been so free about everything, so I feel blessed for that, but there are way too many people feeling miserable.
AW: Can you tell me about your real life Prince Charming? I understand you married him on Tuesday, October 29 at Manhattan’s Office of the Clerk. Is his name Jorge Pino and what does he think of your book?
MAL: I sure did… and it just happened. I never meant to marry anybody. But marrying Jorge felt right. It gave me a lot of peace within me. I was not anxious as I normally am. He supports what I do, but he never gets fully involved in it. Sometimes I might read things to him, and he makes comments, but that’s as far as he goes. I think he is just happy that I found Prince Charming, and it’s him.
AW: When did you first fall in love with poetry and how old were you when you first thought that you wanted to be a poet?
MAL: I was a kid, and I was a reader… and I wanted to write every time I read a book and just blew me away in some way.
AW: Do poets run in your family? Can you tell me a little bit about your family background?
MAL: Not at all. I have always been the “rarito”, or weird one in my family. But I must say I do have a wonderful family that has always supported my weirdness.
AW: Are you currently writing another book, if so, is it in Spanish or English?
MAL: I’m writing my first book of poetry in English, and trying to find a home for it.
AW: Do prefer writing in either Spanish or English and what motivates your choice to choose which language in which to write?
MAL: I don’t have a preference, but in English I am more daring. I feel that I can just let go, and be myself totally. I guess Spanish being my parents language makes me a little bit uneasy if they were to read my work.
AW: What do you like the most and least about being a writer?
MAL: I love what I do. There’s a genuine feeling of love involved in writing, and in reading other writer’s work. The best thing for me as a writer is create stories, mold them as I see fit, color them with my own colors; build them as they pop up in my brain… and that’s a great thing to be able to accomplish. Right now the only thing that comes to mind that I like least is how sometimes your work gets diminished, trampled on by critics and then again that is also part of the process, but nobody wants to be told their child is ugly.
AW: What advice do you have for young poets, particularly poets with a similar heritage at yours?
MAL: I would tell them the same thing I was told by a dear poet friend of mine … Read a lot… immerse yourself and don’t stop.
AW: Where can people find out more about your work? I know that people can read your blog at projectzudotcom, what is Project Zu?
MAL: Project Zu is the continuation of an art gallery that I had for four years in Little Havana which was called Zu Galeria. My blog is a good way to check and see what I am doing, and my Facebook Page, which is
How wonderful it is to know that this very gifted writer has found his Prince Charming (and vice-versa), a once-upon-a-time cherished concept for the ideal partner – but sometimes, just sometimes this soul connection is made in real life. To read about the fictional realities in Manny’s book, whether or not you’ve found your own happily ever-after, please go to Books and Books or (paperback and Kindle) to make your purchase.
Additionally, he is the author of the poetry collection Yo, el arquero aque, published by Editorial Velámenes; his poetry in Spanish has been published in magazines such as Arique, Baquiana, Contratiempo, La Peregrina Magazine, LaFanzine, Linden Lane and Ventana Abierta. His short stories in Spanish have also been published by Baquiana and Linden Lane magazines. His poem, A Calling was chosen along with the work of 40 other poets by Broward County Poet in Residence Anastasia Clark for the Our Poetic Tribute to Amelia Earhart, and published in a leather-bound volume permanently displayed at the Amelia Earhart Museum in Kansas. He has also participated in Cristina Garcia’s, Las Dos Brujas Writer’s Workshop with California’s Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera.

Marla E. Schwartz, long-time staff writer, has only been turning in assignments periodically because of her recent marriage to her long-time boyfriend. She met the love of her life as she was trying to rescue a dog trapped in a railroad crossing. He saw what she was doing, stopped his car and saved the day by helping her free the animal before a train hit and killed both of them; this stray has now found a permanent home with this couple who split their time between residences in Miami, FL and Naples, FL. We send our congratulations to this lovely couple. The pair has asked that in lieu of any gifts, to please make donations in your own name to the charity of your choice. But, if you need help in finding a charity, please donate to any of these: the Big Dog Rescue Ranch in West Palm Beach, The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League, The Elephant Family, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, Tri County Animal Rescue, The National Fibromyalgia Association, The Lymphoma Foundation, The Children’s Alopecia Project, The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The National Parkinson Association, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, the British-based HALO Trust, which clears land-mines around the world, the Joyful Heart Foundation, or Women Against Abuse Advocacy in Action which offers a 100-bed safe haven and is the only emergency shelter in Philadelphia, PA dedicated to the needs of abused women and their children.