August, 2014 – “Get Your Bling On” Exhibition

“Get your Bling On” Exhibition
Saturday August 2nd 2014 6-9pm
Artisans On The Ave
630 Lake Avenue
Lake Worth, Florida 33460
“Get your Bling On” Help a charity of your choice!
Support a charity and have fun!
“Get your Bling On” Help a charity of your choice!
They say Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. We feel this Jewelry created by the talented hands of 10 Diva artists is the best Bling you can find. Jewelry is the way to a women’s heart, enjoy our opening night, and fall in love. Our jewelry artists will wow you with their imagination. From fine silver, gold and gems to wire, paper, metal, clay and glass including creations made from the sea and found objects. Visit this opening night for an evening of Glam, strawberries, chocolates and bubbly. Have some fun!! Count our jewels to win art donated by Artisans On The Ave. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will go to the charity of your choice.
Our featured artists for the evening are:
Gabriele Kraus, Irene Jalowayski, Mary Catello, Amelia Costa, Debra Kashdan, Julie Sylvester,Rickie Leiter, Marsha Balbier, Lori Axelrod, and Linda Manganaro
This event is free and open to the public
For more Information call 561-762-8162 Betty Wilson or 561-308-7263 Linda Manganaro