August, 2014 – Names for Your Dog


Paws-itive Press


By Mark Planco of Planco Veterinary Care

Rather than name your new dog “Spot” or “Rover”, let your imagination go a bit and select a name that appeals to you and suits your pet’s personality or individual traits. We love it when we get a new patient that has a name that no other patient has, like my dog Domino. Here are a few suggestions, the rest is up to you..


Duke, Duchess, Count, Countess, Colonel, Major, Prince, Princess, Sabrina, Royce, Conal, Vance, Nolan, Sarge, King Arthur, King Richard, Prince Valiant, Queen Victoria, Caesar, King, Queenie


Napolean, Bonaparte, Wellington, Disraeli, Dinah, Creta, Brutus, Sampson, Delilah, Mickey, Minnie, Casper, Bambi, Scarlett, Rhett, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen, Tallulah, Frosty, Kojak, Rhoda, Maude, Archie, Linus, Jabba, Yoda, Elvis, Fabian, Bonnie, Clyde, Solomon, Salome, Noah, Byron, Keats, Shelley, Moses, Stacy, Pepe, Flip, Oliver, Duffy, Maxwell, Chiquita, Sherlock, Omar, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tarzan, Sheena, Humphrey, Woodrow


Camelot, Redwood, Reno, Savannah, Tacoma, Tampa, San Fran, Dallas, Cheyenne, Yokon, Jersey, Dakota, Sierra, Dixie, Omaha, Utah, Calcutta


Whitey, Blanco, Blondie, Rud, Red Rambler, Red Rover, Rufus, Blaze, Red Rose, Rouge, Rory, Rusty, Sandy, Ruby, Mustard, Mocha, Bruno, Sable, Cocoa, Goldie, Copper, Blackie, Pepper, Black Velvet, Silver, Crystal Ebony


 Maxim, Yuban, Ballantine, Olympia, Budweiser, Pabst, Coke, Tang, Honeycomb, Prime, Gainsey, Ruppert, Chivas, Bosco


Ringo, Comanche, Apache, Navaho, Tonto, Trigger, Champion, Annie Oakley, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Hondo, Billy the Kid, Waco, Denver, Tex, Fargo, Belle, Bullet, Buck, Pinto


Johnny U, Catfish, O.J., Ali, Karim, Yogi Zimmie, Andre, Tug, Casey, Dizzy, Daffy, Babe, Arnie, Pele, Kyle, Rocky, Magic


Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


 Zeus, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn, Apollo, Vesta, Thor, Diana, Adonis, Juno, Odin


Tuffy, Taffy, Toffy, Brandy, Sherry, Scrappy, Happy, Frolic, Spiffy, Nugget, Peanuts, Rufus, Speedy, Lightning, Twinkie, Muffin, Cindy, Penny, Molly, Lady, Joker, Gypsy, Claude, Angus, Waldo, Festus, Melissa, Dory, Seth, Olaf, Marcus, Noel Benji, Cara, Melinda, Boris, Gunther, Tessie, Fritzie, Babette, Cali, Frenchie, Dutchie, Aussie, Snoopy, Lad. Ruff, Tory, Abdul, Pal, Checkers, Heather, Wolf, Ginger, Cider, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Clover, Vixen, Toby, Nippert Fala, Mopsy, Curly, Trooper, Flush, Perry, Pudgie, Butch.


Dr. Mark Planco’s compassion for animals has been a lifelong labor of love. He earned both his undergraduate and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees at the University of Florida. Dr. Planco has treated small and large animals since 1991, and has been in Palm Beach County since 1994. Dr. Planco is a member of the Palm Beach Veterinary Society, American Veterinary Medical Association and the Florida Veterinary Medical Association.  Visit  for further information or call 561-795-9507.

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to provide information on which you should use to diagnose or treat a medical condition or delay seeking medical attention. This column is of no value with respect to any medical condition that needs prompt attention. If you have a question that needs an immediate answer, you should call your own veterinarian or emergency animal hospital, especially if you are confronting a medical emergency!

Furthermore, we urge you to always seek the advice of your own veterinarian, and you should not disregard, discount, or delay seeking the advice of your veterinarian because of any response posted in this column.