AW Spotlight
The Zoo Health Club, Bringing Positive Changes to Your Workout
By Krista Martinelli

Under new ownership, the Zoo Health Club – Lake Worth West – is making positive changes in people’s lives. New owners Bonnie and Jonathan are happy with their medium sized facility, saying “We’re the Goldilocks of health clubs, not too big and not too small.”
All of their staff is certified to teach the fitness classes. They also offer boot camp trainers and personal trainers. One of their personal trainers specializes in working with sports-specific training. As for classes, they offer Zumba®, Tai Chi, Pilates, self-defense for seniors, yoga, Bokwa® (African dancing) and many other classes, ranging from beginning to advanced.
Most of their equipment is new and in great shape. The few pieces that need updated are being changed out.
Bonnie brings many special talents to the Zoo, and so does Jonathan. Bonnie is trained in special Ed, and science. Because of necessity (with her own sons), Bonnie learned to teach with a kinetic component – studying mixed with exercising. The Zoo is proud to be the only gym to offer something brand new – Learning in Motion. It’s a program that helps students, K – 12th grade, and as Bonnie explains, “We’re the only ones doing it.” Call the Zoo for more information about this. (561) 891-6571.
“We take a personal interest in our clients. We always greet them and say goodbye to them. We know what their personal workout goals are and we care about them,” says Bonnie. “That’s what makes the Zoo Health Club unique.”

She also explains that people need to know a few things about losing weight. Even though it’s simple, many people aren’t realizing that you need to burn more calories than you are taking in. “Working out with a buddy is really the best way to stay on top of your goals.” They recommend doing weights at least 3 times a week and doing cardio workouts at least 5 times a week. “Another thing people don’t realize is that resting your muscles is just as important as working out,” says Bonnie. And after you work out with weights, it’s good to have a little protein – like a protein bar, protein shake, handful of nuts, etc.
At the Zoo, they sell protein bars and they are also distributors for Juice Plus, a popular multi-vitamin system.
“People have different goals. Some want to build muscle, some want to define muscle or increase power. It’s very individual. You meet your goals so much faster when you use a personal trainer.” Bonnie explains the many benefits of muscle building, including improving balance, better bone density, improving memory, lowering blood pressure, and more.
There are about twenty Zoo Health Clubs nationwide and the number is growing steadily. There are Zoo Health Clubs in Lake Worth West (at Lantana and Jog), Lake Worth East and Royal Palm Beach.
Personal fitness and health touches upon a very powerful note, especially for Jonathan, who recovered from a heart attach one year ago. Meanwhile Bonnie says she’s always been an athlete and a teacher.
There are showers and lockers available and cleaning is always happening at the Zoo. “In between everything we do, we are constantly cleaning,” says Bonnie. They wipe down each piece of equipment three times a day. “This is the cleanest I’ve ever seen this gym,” says one happy client as she works out.
Bonnie and Jonathan also have an “eye for autism” and want to work on programs that help autistic children. They are also working out an arrangement with A.R.C.
The two things that people tend to skimp on when they are trying to get healthy, according to Bonnie, are water and good fats. It’s very important to drink lots of water before, during and after your workout. Meanwhile, it’s important to have good fats for your body – including nuts, olive oil, avocado and fish oils.
Bonnie has 3 boys and one girl in her family. Since three of the kids are athletes, including gymnastics, cheerleading and basketball, she is very familiar with sports and the needs of young athletes.
Another difference with The Zoo is “that we are really going out of our way to be senior-friendly. We want them to know this is a safe place for them to come, ask questions and work out.” Insurance pays for seniors who work out in their “Silver Sneakers” program.
Best of all, the Zoo Health Club is an affordable gym with rates ranging from $19 per month to $29 per month, depending on the package. They also offer discounts for military, seniors, students, police officers and fire fighters.
“We invite you to come back, see what the Zoo Health Club is like under new ownership and enjoy a whole new gym experience,” says Bonnie. Mention this story, the “AW Spotlight” story, and get a 3-day pass to try out the Zoo. Your body will thank you for it!
The Zoo Health Club, Lake Worth West
(561) 891-6571
SW Corner of Jog & Lantana Roads
Ask for a free trial pass