August, 2015 – New Community Center on Track


Mayor’s ColumnMayorBobMargolisv2

August, 2015

August is a busy month around the Village of Wellington. The new school year is underway, demolition for the Wellington Community Center is on track, and Village staff is busy putting the final touches on the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 budget.

I’d like to start by asking you to please pay close attention when driving through school zones. Deputies from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office will be out in school zones enforcing the speed limits. Anytime you see a school bus, use extra caution since children may dart out into traffic either getting on or off the bus. For some of these children, it is their first time going to school and they may not be familiar with guidelines they should follow.

Our community boasts great schools, students, and teachers. Recognizing that our schools are an integral part of what makes Wellington a Great Hometown, the Village works with them hand-in-hand. We provide direct financial support of $275,000 through the Keeli Spinelli grant program.



Last month, we said goodbye to and old friend, and now we are eager to welcome a new one. The new community center is right on track. The rubble and debris is giving way to panoramic views of Lake Wellington. Last month, council members approved adding an entry lobby at the north end of the building, an extension of a second floor balcony, and a porte cochere at the driveway entry. These additions will take full advantage of the facility’s picturesque location and make it a valued resource for our community.

From new construction to a new budget— Wellington staff is starting the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Budget process based on the development, implementation, and evaluation of plans for the provision of services and capital assets.  The first phase of the Budget process, which consists of presenting the overall Village Budget, is complete. The second phase, Departmental Budgets, is now in the works.

See the table below for preliminary rates compared to FY 2015:



Have you taken the Budget Challenge?

Head to our website, take the challenge, and let us know what you think the budget should look like.

When you finish taking the Budget survey, take a few minutes to give us your input on the development of the Equestrian Master Plan. The survey will assist Village staff in gathering data related to traffic and seasonal fluctuations of horses and people. All responses to the survey are anonymous. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at

Finally, I encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter, where we keep you up to date on matters that affect our community.  Click on the following link to start receiving updates:

I look forward to seeing you around our Great Hometown this month!