August Mayor’s Column


Mayor’s Column


By Mayor Anne Gerwig

August! The heat is on!  We are also in the midst of our rainy season. Make sure to protect yourself from mosquitos and eliminate standing water on your property. Our Environmental Services Department is stepping up their defenses throughout the summer months, with regular mosquito spraying, application of larvicides to standing water, and responding to resident requests. If you are outside at dusk, wear clothing and repellant, just to be on the safe side.

This month, we continue to focus on the safety of our residents and our businesses. Through Business Safety Walk & Talks, outreach through our social media channels, and participation in local community and chamber meetings, we’re reminding everyone to avoid becoming a victim of crimes of opportunity. Whether at the grocery store or in your driveway, remember to always lock your car door, and put valuables out of sight. Take a look at this message by Councilwoman Tanya Siskind; it includes simple steps we can all take to stay safe:

Get involved in keeping your community safe by joining a Neighborhood Watch and coming out to our monthly Walk & Talk events. Take a look at our web calendar for upcoming dates.  From working with our communities, residents, businesses, and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, we appreciate everyone’s efforts to improve safety awareness.

Our safety focus continues as school starts again on August 14th.  Take extra care in the mornings and afternoons. School zones are strictly enforced and we want to make sure that our kids are safe and ready to learn. Vice Mayor John McGovern offers school drop-off and pick-up tips for busy parents in this Public Service Announcement:

As part of our annual preparation for going back to school, our Community Services Team joined local non-profit organizations to collect school supplies during our Back to School Supply Drive. These supplies will be given to students during our Back to School Block Party on Saturday, August 5th at Tiger Shark Cove Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.   We thank these organizations for empowering our students with the tools they need for a successful school year. 

Finally, work is well underway on our Fiscal Year 2018 Budget.  Stop by Village Hall or tune in and watch the Council Workshop on WellingtonTV on Monday, August 7th from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Council also has another Directions Workshop on Wednesday, August 9th, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. to consider changes and development of the Lake Wellington waterfront area and a village-wide signage program.  You can also let us know your thoughts by taking the FY 2017-2018 Budget Challenge on our website. The budget is adopted in September so this is your chance to let us know how you want your money spent!

The total proposed FY 2018 Budget is $110.4 million as compared to the FY 2017 Budget of $89.5 million, including Interfund Transfers.  The $20.8 million increase from prior year is primarily due to specific multi-year capital improvement projects. The major projects include $3.5 million in projects funded by the voter approved sales surtax last November and $9.6 million to renew the Water Reclamation and Water Treatment Facilities, some of our most critical infrastructure. Additionally, Wellington’s operating costs are projected to increase by $4.5 million due to increases in operating costs and personnel.  A reduced TRIM millage rate of 2.43 mills was approved along with no change to the ACME assessment rate ($230 per unit) and no change in the Solid Waste curbside and containerized rates ($135/$100).  The base rates for Water and Wastewater includes the 2.5% annual indexing which will be an approximate $1.48 increase on a monthly basis. 

Food trucks and entertainment continue on Thursday afternoons starting at 5:00 p.m. as part of our Food Truck Invasion.  Come out and enjoy some trendy foods and local talent. Other August events include:

  • Foreigner tribute band on August 3rd
  • Power Rangers Free Movie Night August 4th
  • Steely Dan tribute on August 5th
  • Chain Reaction / Forever Styx band August 10th
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, Free Movie Night August 11th
  • Gypsy Lane band, August 17th
  • The Flyers band, August 24th
  • Rough Shot band, August 31st

Concerts and movies are free but you need to bring your own seating. There are vendors at the events too and the sales help to provide funding for the events.  We encourage you to enjoy some food too.  Check the amphitheater calendar to keep up to date.

For information about our Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit, watch Wellington TV for the latest happenings, and register at for Enews deliveries.