Be Grateful, Dang it!


By Heidi Hess

You’re expecting a Thanksgiving post, aren’t you? Sigh. Am I that predictable? Yes, it’s November. A month for gratitude. To say the past few months have been difficult is an understatement. My family and I have been seriously tried by life. Are we strong? Absolutely, but do I need to prove it over and over again? Dear God, I know you are in control. I know everything happens for a reason but dang it, can you cut me some slack!?!? All kidding aside, things have been hard and you know what, I’m grateful. I know you’re thinking “Girl, have you lost your mind?” And if you know me, you know the answer to that. Let me explain the reason for my gratitude while being knee deep in life’s quagmire of crap.

The first and most obvious reason is that life’s difficulties DO make us stronger. I think I’m pretty strong but maybe I need to be stronger.

I also know that you can’t make eggs without cracking an egg. Do I know the reason for this difficult time? No. But in life I’ve been shown time and time again that everything happens for a reason. So there must be a bigger plan… something wonderful that’s coming in the future.

Fifty is the year people start listening to themselves and double-downing on self care. We stop neglecting our needs. What does that mean? It’s different for everyone. Give yourself permission to make the necessary changes in your everyday life that nurture you. Tired? Nap. Cranky? Do something that brings you joy. And here’s the really cool part… it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you. Buy yourself flowers. Whatever. I’m grateful for this time because I have learned how to make those things a priority. My self care is no longer secondary to everything else – a wonderful lesson. So this November, I challenge you. It’s easy to be grateful when everything is going well but can you sift through the ashes of unfortunate events to find the diamonds? Good things can be gleaned from all situations and I’m grateful for them. You can be too.