BeWell launches series of mini-grants to provide inclusive and equitable behavioral health support



New Program Puts Funding in Hands of Residents and Organizations to Improve Palm Beach County Behavioral Health

Innovative mini-grant program offers up to $5,000 in funding to promote the behavioral health and wellness of Palm Beach County residents and professionals. 

Palm Beach County, FLBeWellPBC, a countywide behavioral health initiative engaging residents, providers and systems to address community needs, has launched a new “mini-grant” program to put funding in the hands of people with innovative ideas for improving mental health.  “Be Well Do Well Mini-Grants” will fund creative projects with grant awards up to $5,000. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents or organizations who have an idea to build more equitable and inclusive behavioral health support, promote workforce wellness and/or focus on residents most in need.


Be Well Do Well Mini-Grants are unique in that funding is not limited to only nonprofit organizations as is usually the case with grant awards. Residents of all ages, community groups, religious organizations, for profit businesses, schools and educational facilities, and local municipalities are eligible to apply between June 8 and July 11, 2020at Those interested in applying must attend a virtual Q&A session on either June 17th or June 30th at 5:00 p.m. to meet the BeWellPBC team and learn more about the mini-grant process.

“Our hope is that Be Well Do Well Mini-Grants will spark people’s imaginations from every corner of our community—especially those with lived experience who understand first-hand what’s needed most,” said Lauren Zuchman, BeWellPBC executive director. “These grants can be a catalyst for creating long-term positive behavioral health change for our families, communities and workplaces.”


The criteria for Be Well Do Well Mini-Grants calls for applications to support Palm Beach County residents and/or professionals, promote creative solutions for behavioral health and wellness, honor equity and inclusion and have the capability to be fully developed and implemented within one of year of receiving the mini-grant award. For more information, please visit


About BeWellPBC
BeWellPBC, launched in 2019, is a behavioral health initiative committed to supporting community solutions from the residents themselves while increasing and improving interagency coordination and alignment for advancing behavioral health and wellness in Palm Beach County. Its unique model brings together community members directly impacted by behavioral health with foundations, government and nonprofit agencies, faith-based organizations, health care providers and the school district to create integrated, comprehensive solutions that are most responsive to the needs of every resident.  For more information, visit or call 561-837-2277.