Book Review: 2020 Dressage Rider’s Journal


Book Review: 2020 Dressage Rider’s Journal
Subtitle: FEI Coach Helps More Dressage Rider’s Make 2020 Their Goal-Getting Year

FEI Coach, Trainer and Rider Ruth Hogan-Poulsen recently released the new 2020 Dressage Rider’s Journal, giving dressage rider’s a great new tool for applying structure to their riding life! The 2020 edition is improved and expanded from the original 2019 edition, which launched as a #1 Equestrian Sports New Release on Amazon US, with multiple 5-star reviews from shoppers.

A Portable Work of Art

The book is too big to be carried everywhere, but when you do bring it with you to the barn, shows or other trips, you’ll be literally carrying around a work of art with you. The softcover book features a wrap-around watercolor of a chestnut horse and rider by equestrian artist Emilie Goddard.

How the Journal Helps Riders Stay on Track

The book is not just beautiful, it is created with a clear purpose in mind. Setting goals can be a daunting task, but this 2020 planner makes setting goals, tracking and keeping a calendar easier and effective for the dressage rider and competitor.
The Dressage Rider’s Journal starts with introductory goal-setting worksheet pages, followed by a dated planner-style layout built specifically for dressage riders. The monthly and weekly calendar pages feature action plan and goal focused layouts to keep feedback, notes and performance highlights easy-to-review as you go through your show season and training year.

Will This Book Work for Every Dressage Rider?

The 2020 edition was created to serve riders using the standard 20 m x 60 m arena. If you are only planning to show in the small arena, be sure that the 20 m x 60 m arena and figure diagrams can work for you.
At 250 pages and 8.5” x 11” (US standard letter size), think more backpack or tote than cute handbag for taking the book on-the-go.
The Journal is already getting great reviews for riders at all levels for strategizing a show season, focusing in on an award goal or tracking training progress.

The Dressage Rider’s Journal Availability

The Dressage Rider’s Journal is now available on as well as the international Amazon platforms such as, and many more!
Love the cover art? Check out more of cover artist Emilie Goddard’s horse and dog designs at

For more information:
Ariana Marshall
(802) 272-0000
[email protected]

To buy The Dressage Rider’s Journal: