December, 2009 – David Sandoval Presents Seminar


 David Sandoval, Author of Green Foods Bible, to Present Seminar

Saturday December 12 @ 1PM Lite for Life of Boca Raton, 3013 Yamato Road, #14B  call Laura 772 215-3268 to confirm.
Sunday, December 13 at Soma Center, Lake Avenue between L and M Streets, 3 PM. Call Laura 772 215-3268.
Monday and Tuesday, Dec 14 & !5  @6:30 PM  Apropos Kafe, 147 South East First Avenue, Boca Raton.
Call Laura 772 215-3268 to confirm.
David Sandoval, author of the Green Foods Bible, has studied with the world’s premier authorities on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayervedic Medicine, and Western holistic medicine, including his mentor, Ann Wigmore, the founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, and the world’s foremost advocate of raw food nutrition.