December, 2009 – Tis the Season . . .


Lighten Up with Lisa


Tis the season for Magic, Miracles and Marshmallows!

Lightworker Lisa
Lightworker Lisa


Fa la la la la – la la la la.


By Lisa Dawn Wax


People often ask me where I get my inspirations to write my articles. Honestly, some come a lot easier than others. This month I knew I wanted to talk about celebrating this special time of year, but wasn’t exactly sure which direction to go. Then I decided to jump on board and go in the direction of The Polar Express!

So, as Tom Hanks says as the train conductor, “All aboard. Well, ya coming?”



The Polar Express is a wonderful holiday movie with a theme that can be celebrated throughout the year. It is the story of a young boy who is struggling to believe in holiday magic and the spirit of Christmas.  For me, one of the most meaningful lines of dialogue is when Santa Claus declares, “The magic of Christmas lies in your heart.” I’d like to zoom in on that concept and further dissect the line to say, “magic lies in your heart.”  The trick is to awaken the magic in your heart and then conspire with your mind to create the magic of your life. The best way to experience the magic of Christmas and the holiday season is to see through the eyes of the children. Consider how a child thinks, with their minds uncluttered of worry and responsibilities, they simply enjoy life with awe of every moment. Each moment is a new opportunity to create something wonderful. Each moment is a new opportunity to discover something to enjoy. This is magic that lies in our hearts. During the holidays we are reminded of our childhood hearts and the magic they hold. Be a little childish this time of year. Let yourself go and discover the magic.




The Hanukkah miracle – Jews celebrate Hanukkah, also known as The Festival of Lights, because years ago when there was only enough oil to light the menorah for one day, the oil miraculously lasted for 8 days and nights, which was just long enough to press new oil so the eternal flame on the menorah could continue to burn uninterrupted. Hanukkah is an 8-day celebration of this miracle.


The Christmas miracle – Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ whose messages of brotherhood, forgiveness and compassion unified millions of people and reawakened faith in the faithless. The Christmas story is full of miracles, including the angel that visited Mary and Joseph, the star that guided the Wise Men to their new king in Bethlehem and ultimately the birth of a Messiah. Christmas is a celebration of these many miracles.


Miracle on 34th Street – Another story of holiday miracles is told in this movie favorite, which teaches the main characters, a mother and daughter, faith to believe via the magic of Santa Claus. “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to,” says our hero John Payne as Fred to his dear friend, Maureen O’Hara as Doris, who originally tells her daughter, nine-year-old Natalie Wood as Susie, that the man who claims to be Santa Claus is really only “a nice old man with whiskers.”   However, towards the end of the film Doris later recalls and shares Fred’s words of faith with Susie, who because she has struggled throughout the movie with her mom’s mixed messages of fantasy/reality and belief/non-belief, mutters mockingly and unconvincingly, “I believe. I believe. Even though it’s silly, I believe.”  In the end Susie and Doris happily find their faith to celebrate and believe that Mr. Kris Kringle truly is Santa Claus as they transcend into happy believers of miracles and magic. So, go ahead, be a little silly, have faith and believe.


Believe it or not, with a little faith you can even create your own miracles.


I encourage you to practice repeating these positive affirmations either aloud, to yourself, or in a journal.  You just may be surprised at the outcome.

Believing is seeing. 

Believe you can and you’re half way there.




Another favorite this time of year is hot chocolate and no hot chocolate is complete without, of course, the marshmallows.  Marshmallows can help bring us back to our childlike selves.  Whether they’re floating in your hot chocolate, being roasted over an open fire or smiling happily in the shape of a snowman peep, marshmallows are fun to eat. They can help us to feel a little silly so we can find the faith to believe and enjoy the magic. Whether you share them with your kids, or enjoy them with a moment of solitude, eat some marshmallows and smile.


I’m going to close with a poignant song quote from The Polar Express theme song, “Believe,” sung by Josh Groban. It’s one of my personal favorites, so I’ve included a link to the Youtube performance for all to enjoy.


There’s no time to waste
There’s so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe. If you just believe. If you just believe.


Josh Groban “Believe


So, to all my faithful readers I wish you a truly blessed holiday season. May you discover the magic in your hearts so you may create the miracles and enjoy the marshmallows.


Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.


Lisa Dawn Wax, aka Lightworker Lisa, has been certified in Massage Therapy, Fitness Training and Reiki Healing for over 15 years. In addition to being a born Lightworker she is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner; both of which basically confirm her intuitive abilities to help, heal and teach. Using reiki (energy healing), divine messages and intuitive readings, she has helped many people to identify the source of their pain, clarify current life situations, and successfully redirect their focus into positive channels.  If you’d like to share comments about this article or if you are in need of affordable healing and/or life coaching via divine inspiration with immediate results, please call her at 561-594-3948 or visit her new website


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