December, 2009 – Wellington Cares Clearinghouse Holiday Greetings

From: Ellie Caldwell <[email protected]>

Subject: News from Wellington Cares Clearinghouse

Dear Friends,

           Holiday Greetings to all!  With my traveling and now residencies with the 2-year School of the Spirit Program, there have been few press releases in the past few months.  But still the bags of donations show up! Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support and commitment.  We couldn’t do this without you!

           The 2009 holiday season is busy for all of us, but this year, Wellington Cares is doing a bit less.  We do have 6 Head Start families that we’re collecting toys, books, & clothing for.  Five families are already “adopted,” but there are three children still in need.  Give me an email or phone call if you can help.  Deadline is Dec 9.  The gift should be around $10, wrapped, and labeled with the name of the child.  We also need $20 grocery cards for each family, and the total is zero at the moment, so money donations are welcome. 

This year we are not doing the 60 gift bags for Pahokee kids.  Glades Area Pantries has gone out of business for the time being, but we’re hoping a food/ clothes pantry returns soon.  Ron Sherman still picks up once a week and distributes to people in the Glades Area.  Other donations go to the Trinity International food/clothes pantry in Lantana, or Hispanic families in Lake Worth.  Especially needed now are warm clothing and blankets.  Also homeless shelters welcome hotel samples and other hygiene items.

           The next big project is a Food for the Poor carload delivery scheduled for the end of January.  My Ultima Gym exercise class in Wellington is looking forward to putting together 50 mid-wife kits for Haiti after the holidays.  (We can always use receiving blankets and onesies.  Also if anyone knits or crochets, infant caps are always needed.  Instructions available.)  FFTP also accepts medical and school supplies, children’s clothing, books—pretty much anything but adult clothing. 

           Paperback books are always needed for the Palm Beach County Stockade.  

           A few Palm Beach County high school students are getting their donations hours through collecting clothing or household items for Wellington Cares.  Give me a call if you have a student who might be interested. 

           There are also some small collections at the Palm Beach Quaker Meeting (and maybe through your church/temple also):  cancelled stamps, soup labels, yoghurt lids, cell phones, & cartridges. 

           All the food banks in Palm Beach County are in desperate need of canned goods, so don’t forget to pick up a few extras during holiday shopping.  I’ll be glad to get them to CROS ministries, Boca Helping Hands, or Trinity. 

           Thanks again for all you do and have a blessed holiday season, Ellie