December, 2010 – Acknowledge Accomplishments for More Joy and Success Next Year


Ultimate Productivity


Acknowledge Accomplishments for More Joy and Success Next YearClaudine Motto


By Claudine Motto


If you’re an entrepreneur, chances are that some time around November or December, you start to feel as if you need to make up for lost time, and you may even feel guilt about what you didn’t get done or about what you could have done differently in your business during the year.


Some pressure, and even some guilt, is good, because it can kick you into high gear.  But too much of either one will engulf you, and hurt your productivity and your spirits.   


A more effective and uplifting way to end the year and to begin planning for the next one is to acknowledge not only what needs to change and what didn’t work, but also to acknowledge all that you did “right.”  Remembering the positive and acknowledging your accomplishments will better motivate you, and for a longer period of time, than beating yourself up.  Plus, you deserve better – you are probably already too hard on yourself.


So here are 9 questions to start formulating your business action plan for the upcoming year that will help you keep a healthy balance between the “should have dones” and the “dones”:


Changes you need to make


1. What are the 3 areas where you want to see the most change next year?

2. Which “comfort zones” might you need to step out of to make these changes?

3. Where do you need to take more consistent action next year?


Acknowledging what worked 


1. What did you improve on from the year before?  Take the time to pat yourself on the back for that.

2. In which ways did you step out of your comfort zone? Don’t forget to include things that seem small on the surface, even if it something that comes easy to other people – if you felt scared to do it, but you did it anyway, it counts.  

3. Which actions did you take that took effort, persistence, and self-discipline on your part?  Even if they didn’t have the impact you were hoping they would have, your effort deserves recognition.

4. What 3 accomplishments are you most proud of?


Acknowledging new skills and awareness


1. What things did you work on or improve about yourself?  You ARE your business – don’t diminish the impact of self-development on everything that you do.

2. Did you learn any new technology, or acquire any new skills?  Even if small, if they save you and your business time and/or money, congratulate yourself for investing in it.


I bet as you go through this list you’ll surprise yourself with all that you accomplished, which is a great motivator in itself.  But this list also serves as a reminder of the strategies that brought you results in your business, so you can continue to build momentum on what works.


Focusing your plans for next year only on areas where you need to improve leads to burnout – take the time to acknowledge where you shined, and what you did right, so that you stay positive and motivated – both key to achieving long-lasting success and feeling joy in the process.


2010 Claudine Motto, All Rights Reserved.


Claudine Motto works with women entrepreneurs who want to create more success, flow, and joy in their home-based business.  For more information about her coaching and consulting services, or for tips on how to create more success and joy in your business, go to or “like” her Facebook page