December, 2010 – The “Reel” Jewish World



DATE:  Oct. 20, 2010


Welcome to the ‘reel’ Jewish world!

JCC’s Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival turns 21


PALM BEACH GARDENSThe JCC of the Greater Palm Beaches is delighted to announce the dates, line up, and schedule of its 21st Annual Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival. This year, the Film Festival (the oldest in Palm Beach County)  runs from Dec. 1-12, and expands from two to four theaters: Movies of Delray  and Regal Royal Palm join the Regal Delray 18, and the Cobb Downtown at the Gardens. The Festival is also screening more films twice, making it more convenient for attendees to see films that appeal to them.


As always the Festival will screen around three dozen international and independent award-winning films, including dramatic features, comedies, romances, documentaries and shorts from the U.S., Israel, Canada, France, Germany, and Argentina, among other countries


This year, the line up includes four U.S. premieres: Gei-Oni (Valley of Fortitude), In the Footsteps of Abraham, No Way to Say Goodbye, and Sixty In the City; several Southeast Premieres, (meaning they’ve never been shown south of Washington, D.C.): Adam’s Wall, Blood Relations, Jaffa, Little Rose, The Loners, Oh! What a Mess, The Round-Up, Saviors in the Night, Ultimatum, and World Class Kids.  Disney and Miramax Film Studios have given us the honor of presenting the Florida premiere of The Debt, starring the wonderful Helen Mirren. We’re also excited about the South Florida premiere of Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story, an eye-opening documentary sure to captivate the baseball novice, as well as the avid fan.


anita_movieposterThe Festival remains as diverse and intriguing as ever, presenting historical period pieces such as Gei-Oni, political thrillers like Little Rose, comedies like Oh! What a Mess!, The Infidel, and He’s My Girl!, sweeping features like Bride Flight, and Berlin ’36, and provocative documentaries like Budrus, Bridge over the Wadi, and World Class Kids. For fans of the innovative New York-based band, the Klezmatics, we have a new documentary about them: The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground. We’re also bringing back the second season of the all-time hit Israeli TV sitcom, Arab Labor.


Descriptions, and screening times, dates and locations for all films are below. Photos illustrating all films are available upon request.




The goals of the PBJFF always have been to entertain, educate, and promote cultural understanding through film. The Festival also aims to stir debate, and encourage dialog and discussion about film. “These films,” says PBJFF Artistic Director Karen Davis, “celebrate Jewish heritage, culture, philosophy, and religion from numerous Jewish points of view while also introducing the Jewish world to non-Jews.”


Ticket are $18 for Opening Night, $10 for evening screenings (after 5 p.m.), and $8 for matinees. For more information about festival films, schedules, and purchasing tickets or festival passes, visit, or call 561-712-5204.


Descriptions and schedules of films:


Anita—Florida Premiere                      (Audience Favorite Award, LA Latino FF)

Marcos Carnevale, director                  Argentina, 2009

Spanish w/ English subtitles                   104 min.

Anita, a young Jewish woman with Down syndrome, lives quietly and happily with her mother in Buenos Aires.  On July 18, 1994, a terrorist bombing propels her outside her safe cocoon and into a life-changing journey.  As she wanders through the chaotic city in search of her mother, her open heart and innocent personality touch the lives of others, and the result is an optimistic drama about human innocence, compassion, and resilience in a troubled world.  

Guest: Hap Erstein, PBJFF Film Reviewer-In-Residence at both locations.


Cobb Downtown, Wednesday, Dec.1, 7:20 pm

Regal Delray 18, Thursday, Dec. 2, 7:20 pm



The Matchmaker                                (Southern Premiere)                                                                    Avi Nesher, director                             Israel, 2010                                                                             Hebrew w/ English subtitles                112 min.                                                                                          In the shadow the Holocaust casts on Israel in the 1960s, a boy, a matchmaker, and a quirky cast of characters light up this coming-of-age story.  When a teenage boy meets a Holocaust survivor who works as a matchmaker, he goes to work for him as a “detective” because the matchmaker knows the boy’s father.  He descends into the lower part of the port city where he observes and meets many raffish characters.  He also becomes interested in writing and learns his first lessons in love.  Although there’s lots of humor here, the film also provides a fresh look on the distaste and disinterest many Israelis felt at the time towards the survivors in their midst.  From the director of box-office hits Turn Left At the End of the World and The Secrets, this is a story of transformation like no other you’ve ever seen.


Cobb Downtown, Saturday, Dec. 4, 7:20 pm




Oh! What A Mess                                          Southeast Premiere

Dirk Regal, director                                          Germany, 2009

German w/ English subtitles                               88 min.

In this charming comedy of errors, 30-something Jill meets the man of her dreams, a Christian landscape architect whom she fears will not be accepted by her strict Jewish family. The couple decides to fool the family by pretending that he’s Jewish. How long can they keep this up?  A refreshing portrait of contemporary Jewish life in Berlin, and the unique roles intermarriage and history play there.   


Cobb Downtown, Saturday, Dec. 4, 9:30 pm



In the Footsteps of Abraham             U.S.A. Premiere

Daniel Goldberg, director                                  Mexico, 2010

Spanish, Hebrew w/ English subtitles                 90 min.

A fascinating documentary about the spiritual journey that leads three men from Veracruz, Mexico to move to Israel. None of them made overnight decisions to convert to Judaism, and they each faced obstacles and sacrifices in their efforts to move to the Holy Land to pursue religious and personal fulfillment. Leaving most of their Christian families behind, the men quickly assimilate into the little-known community of Mexican Jewish converts living in Israel.


Guest: Rabbi Howard Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Israel.


Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 5, 1:20 pm




Arab Labor Season 2             Florida Premiere

Shai Capon, director                             Israel, 2010

Arabic, Hebrew w/ English subtitles      75 min.

Amjad Alian, an Arab-Israeli journalist, and his family and friends return for a second season of this funny, provocative, and popular Israeli sitcom.  In these three shows from the series, Amjad moves his family from the outskirts of Jerusalem into a Jewish neighborhood for the sake of better plumbing!

Written by Sayed Kashua (see Sayed Kashua: Forever Scared), the series takes one of the most conflicted corners of the world and turns it into a goldmine of comedy! 


Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 5, 3:30 pm



Sixty In the City                                 USA Premiere

Nili Tal, director                                   Israel 2010

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                   72 min.

Funny and touching, this personal documentary explores the new rules of dating for those over 50.  Nili Tal has reached the grand age of 61, and is looking for love. But the first photo she uploads to an online dating site looks too serious and no one responds. She goes on a journey to transform herself. In the process, she meets men from across Europe, and other older women also looking for love.


Guest: Nili Tal, director, at both locations.


Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 5, 5:30 pm

Regal Delray 18, Monday, Dec. 6, 3:30 pm



Gei-Oni (Valley of Fortitude)                                    East Coast Premiere

Dan Wolman, director                                                  Israel, 2010

Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian,

Turkish, Arabic & Romanian w/ English subtitles           105 min.

An historic epic which interweaves the story of the first wave of European Jewish immigrants to Palestine in the late 19th century and the personal tale of Fania, a Russian immigrant, and Yechial, a pioneering Jew who marry for practical reasons. Together with her young baby, and emotionally scarred brother, they return to Yechial’s small settlement north of Safed, today known as Rosh Pina.  Fania falls in love with the land but it takes longer for her to overcome a secret and fall in love with Yechial. 


Guest:  Dan Wolman, director, at both locations.  His earlier films shown at the PBJFF are FOREIGN SISTERS and THE DISTANCE.


Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 5, 7:20 pm

Regal Delray 18, Monday, Dec. 6, 7:20 pm



Jaffa                                                                Southeast Premiere

Keren Yedaya, director                                    Israel, 2009

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                               105 min.

Against the politically-charged setting of Jaffa where Jews and Arabs live side-by-side in an uneasy alliance, Mali, a young Jewish woman, and her Arab sweetheart, who works in her father’s garage, plan to elope.  When tragedy strikes and foils their plan, it shatters not only their dream of romantic bliss, but also years of trust that had built up between the Arab employees and their Jewish boss. 


Regal Delray, Monday, Dec. 6, 1:20 pm  

Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 12, 1:20 pm


The Infidel

Josh Appignanesi, director                                U.K., 2010

English                                                  104 min.

Mahmud Nasir may not be the most observant Muslim, but deep down he is a true believer.

The London cabdriver’s world is turned upside down, however, when he learns he was adopted, and his birth parents were Jewish. As Mahmud, born Solly Shimshelliwitz, tumbles into a full-scale identity crisis, a true comedy of religious errors unfolds.  Dancing around the edge of political correctness, this farce co-stars TV star Richard Schiff (West Wing.)

Cobb Downtown, Monday, Dec. 6, 7:20 pm. 

Helaine Hertz, PBJFF Screening Committee, will lead a discussion following the film.

Ultimatum                                                       Florida Premiere

Alain Tasma, director                                        France, Israel, 2009

French, Hebrew w/ English subtitles                  102 min

A tense melodrama set on the eve of the 1991 Gulf War, and its effect on three couples whose lives are intertwined.  When Scud missiles threaten Jerusalem, one French couple’s relationship begins to come apart, another Israeli couple face childbirth, and a third gay couple reunites. An authentic recreation of the eerie wartime mood that consumed Israeli society in January 1991.  


Movies of Delray, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 11 a.m.




Blood Relations                                 Southeast Premiere

Noa Ben Hagai, director                       Israel, 2009

Hebrew, Arabic w/ English subtitles      75 min.

A surprising voyage of discovery about identity, family, and ethnicity ensues when a young Israeli learns that there’s a distant branch of her family living in the Palestinian Territories.


Followed by…

Cohen on the Bridge                          Southeast Premiere                                                                 Andrew Wainrib, director                        France, Israel, UK, USA, 2009                                                               English                                              20 min.                                                                         The animated story of the 1976 hostage rescue at Entebbe, Uganda narrated by the first Israeli commando to enter the building, and told through the perspective of his own family’s rescue in the Holocaust.

Regal Delray 18, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1:20 pm




No. 4 Street of Our Lady                                                       (Best Documentary, Detroit JFF)

Judy Maltz, Barbara Bird & Richie Sherman, co-directors         U.S.A., 2010

English                                                                          90 min.

A compelling documentary about  Francisca Halamajowa, a Polish Catholic, who hid 16 Jewish neighbors for two years while pretending to be a Nazi sympathizer. Two families were hidden in the loft above her pigsty, and one family in a hole dug under her kitchen floor. Using interviews with Halamajowa’s descendants, and the survivors’ families, this fascinating story is made more so because it’s based on a diary from one survivor whose granddaughter, Judy Maltz, is one of the filmmakers. 


Guest: Joseph J. Maltz, one of the subjects of the film


Regal Delray 18, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 3:30 pm 






Ahead of Time—Southeast Premiere

Bob Richman, director              U.S.A. 2009

English                                      73 min.

A lively documentary about photojournalist/author Ruth Gruber, who became the world’s youngest PhD at age 20.  She was among the first journalists to report from the Soviet Arctic, covered the Nuremberg trials, and the U.N. Committee that decided to partition Palestine, campaigned to allow Holocaust refugees into the U.S., and was an eyewitness to the plight of the passengers on the Exodus 1947, conveying their pleas for justice to the whole world. 


Guest: Zeva Oelbaum, producer, invited.

Cobb Downtown, Tuesday, December 7, 3 pm



Bride Flight                                        (Best Feature Film, Newport Beach FF)

Ben Sombogaart, director                     The Netherlands, 2009

Dutch w/ English subtitles                      130 min

Based on the true story of the 1953 “Last Great Air Race” from England to New Zealand that carried young Dutch adults fleeing the lingering trauma of WW II, and devastating North Sea floods.  Dubbed the “bride flight” because many of the women were joining their already-settled fiancés, this sweeping melodrama brilliantly switches between the ‘50s, ‘60s, and present, and follows the friendships between three women — shy Ada, sensible Marjorie, and sophisticated Esther. 


Cobb Downtown at the Gardens, December 7, 7:20 pm.

 Jill Rosenstein, PBJFF Screening Committee co-chairperson, will lead a discussion following the film.

Regal Delray 18, Thursday, Dec. 9, 7:20 pm.

 Wendy Honig, PBJFF Screening Committee member, will lead a discussion following the film.



Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story          Florida Premiere

Peter Miller, director                                                     U.S.A., 2010

English                                                              91 minutes

Dustin Hoffman narrates this celebration of the impact Jewish major leaguers have had on America’s favorite pastime, and on the lives of American Jews.  Featuring archival footage of unforgettable games, and interviews with star players Sandy Koufax, Al Rosen, and Kevin Youkilis, among others, and baseball personalities such as Commissioner Bud Selig, Mets owner Fred Wilpon, former sportscaster Larry King, and executives and fans like Charles Bronfman. You don’t have to love baseball to be moved by this story. A joy for male and female viewers, young and old! 


Regal Delray 18, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 7:20 pm.    

Joe Levy, co-chair of the PBJFF Screening Committee, will lead a discussion following the film.

Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec. 12, 5:30 pm. 

Guest, Fred Wilpon, owner of the New York Mets, invited.



Adam’s Wall —Florida Premiere

Michael Mackenzie, director                 Canada, 2008

English                                      94 min.

Orphaned when his parents were killed in Israel, Adam has been raised in Montreal by his strict Orthodox grandfather who discourages his interest in music, and wants him to study law. Entering college, he falls in love with Yasmine, a Christian Lebanese student, just as another Middle East crisis explodes. An out-of-the ordinary Romeo-Juliet story, the film concerns the barriers—real, cultural, and imagined—between people, and the obstacles that get in the way of human understanding. 


Regal Royal Palm Beach (State Road 7), Tuesday, Dec. 7, 7:20 pm 

Ellen Falk, PB Film Society/Festival chairperson, will lead a discussion following the film.



Two Ladies (aka Dans La Vie)                                 Palm Beach Premiere               

Philppe Faucon, director                                               France, 2007

French, Arabic w/ English subtitles                                73 minutes

Tolerance wins out over prejudice when a Muslim daughter and mother go to work for a wheelchair-bound Jewish widow.  Esther is a difficult, hot-tempered patient who lives with her physician son.  When the last in a series of home healthcare workers quits, Esther’s young day nurse recommends Esther hire her mother to clean and cook kosher.  The two older women learn that they are both Algerian émigrés, have more in common than they imagined, and share a new zest for life. 


Movies of Delray, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 11 am



Identity and Belonging: Two Films

Lone Samaritan                                              Southeast Premiere

Barak Heyman, director                                    Israel, 2009

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                               50 min.

A touching father-daughter journey that raises universal issues of belonging, faith, and identity, and the difficult isolation of those who seek a personal path within a closed sect, in this case Israeli Samaritans.


…followed by


Sayed Kashua: Forever Scared                                Florida Premiere

Dorit Zimbalist, director                                                Israel, 2009

Hebrew/Arabic w/ English subtitles                               52 min.

This is an intimate, yet political portrait of an Israeli-Arab best-selling author (and creator of the popular, satiric sitcom Arab Labor), who always lives life as an “Other,” never feeling a sense of belonging.


Regal Delray 18, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1:20 pm





Yes, Miss Commander                                  Florida Premiere

Itzik Lerner & Dan Setton, co-directors            Israel, 2009

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                               96 min.

Havat Hashomer is no ordinary army base.  Here, new recruits from backgrounds of violence, abuse, crime, and drugs are given a final chance to integrate into society as they’re whipped into shape by young women from mainstream society who balance discipline with caring in hopes of improving the self-image and skills of the trainees. With unprecedented access, this documentary follows them all the way through their emotional induction ceremony where about 90% of the recruits become IDF soldiers.


Regal Delray 18, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 3:30 pm  

Joe Levy, PBJFF Screening Comm. Co-chair, will lead a discussion following the film.

Cobb Downtown, Thursday, Dec. 9, 3 pm

Helaine Hertz, PBJFF Screening Committee member, will lead a discussion following the film.



Saviors In The Night                                                 Palm Beach Premiere

Ludi Boeken, director                                                   France, Germany, 2009

French, German w/ English subtitles                              100 min.

A riveting, real-life drama about a Jewish family hidden by a family of Westphalian farmers during WWII. Escaping deportation, the Spiegel family is offered refuge for nearly three years by a German Catholic family that rejects fascism, and puts itself at grave risk without hesitation.  Danger is all around as suspicious SS officers, dutiful Nazi youth groups, and frightened peasants threaten to expose them. Guided by a strong sense of morality, this is a powerful, humanity-affirming story in the face of barbarism. 


Cobb Downtown, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 3 pm 

Helaine Hertz, PBJFF Screening Committee, will lead a discussion following the film.

Regal Delray 18, Saturday, Dec. 11, 7:20 pm

Hap Erstein, PBJFF Film Reviewer-In-Residence, will lead a discussion following the film.



The Round Up (aka La Rafle)                                               Southeast Premiere

Roselyne Bosch, director                                                          France, 2010

French, German, Yiddish w/ English subtitles                 115 minutes

The harrowing true story of how French police rounded up Jews living in Paris on the morning of July 16, 1942 and sent 13,000 men, women, and children to an indoor cycling station, Vel d’Hiv,  with few toilets and one water tap. Ultimately, they were sent to their deaths in Auschwitz.   Demonstrating exactly how French authorities pandered to the Nazis, this ambitious period drama uses child actors to make their tale both bittersweet and bearable.


Guests: Barbara Grau, Executive Dir. (retired), Holocaust Center, Spring Valley, N.Y., and Rosette Goldstein, a survivor’s daughter, who’s attempting to block the French national railroad company from winning the contract to build a high speed train route in Florida.


Cobb Downtown at the Gardens, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 7:20 pm



Berlin ’36                                            (Audience Favorite Award, Stony Brook FF)

Kaspar Heidelbach, director                 Germany, 2009

German w/ English subtitles                   100 min.

With Berlin pressured into allowing Jewish athletes to compete in its Olympic games, the Nazis bully Jewish high jumper Gretel Bergmann into training. With no other German female to challenge Bergmann, the unknown Marie Ketteler is suddenly introduced onto the team.  The two rivals form a tenuous friendship, with Marie carrying a secret that puts their friendship, and the hidden Nazi agenda to the test. Based on a true story, this is a powerful drama that celebrates the small victories strong-willed individuals can win over tyranny and hate. 


Regal Delray 18, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 7:20 pm 

Hap Erstein, PBJFF Film Reviewer-In-Residence, will lead a discussion following the film.

Regal Royal Palm Beach, Thursday, Dec. 9, 7:20 pm 



He’s My Girl                                                              Southeast Premiere

Jean-Jacques Zilberman, director                                  France, 2009

French, Yiddish, Arabic w/ English subtitles             85 min.

In a wry comedy mixing homosexuality, family and religion, clarinetist Simon Eskenazy has so much going on that he can’t finish his record.  His mother is sick, and wants Simon to take her into his apartment. His ex-wife Rosalie, and their son, have suddenly reappeared. Add to the mix his current lover, Raphael, with whom he dreams of conducting a great lover affair, and the amazing Mohammed, a young Arab transvestite. Zilberman’s previous film about Simon Eskenazy, A Man Is A Woman, was shown at the 11th PBJFF. 


Regal Royal Palm Beach, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 7:20 p.m.

Regal Delray 18, Thursday, Dec. 9, 3:30 pm



Ida’s Dance Club

Dalit Kimor, director                                         Israel, 2010

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                               59 min.

Ida’s Dance Club is a real place where a yearly ballroom dancing competition takes place. The participants are way past retirement age, but that doesn’t stop them from dancing and singing, from falling in love, and from being disappointed. The combination of happiness and laughter, and music and dancing, along with an in-depth look at their exceptional inner worlds have made this film a senior citizen cult-favorite in Tel Aviv!  


Followed by…


No Way to Say Goodbye                   Southeast Premiere

Jonas Jacobs, director                          USA, 2010

Spanish w/ English subtitles                   40 min.

This first documentary about Bolivian Jews provides a fascinating look at the rise and decline of the Jewish community in Cocachamba where the Jewish population is down from 2,000 to fewer than 100.  With Jewish youth leaving reluctantly, and a lack of community organization, the film is both an intimate portrait of a community at risk of extinction, and a quest to create a contemporary Jewish identity.

Guest: Jonas Jacobs, director, invited.


Regal Delray 18, Thursday, Dec. 9, 1:20 pm



The Loners                                                     Southeast Premiere

Renen Schorr, director                          Israel, 2009

Russian, Hebrew w/English subtitles                  92 min.

The story of two Russian immigrants who come to Israel without families.  Despite being highly-motivated to excel, and contribute to their adopted country, they’re accused of treason.  Sent to a harsh military prison with their demand for a retrial falling on deaf ears, they rebel.  Based on events that occurred in a military prison in northern Israel in 1997, this is a stirring portrait of alienated youth trying to be heard in a country where they feel silenced. 


Movies of Delray, Thursday, Dec. 9, 1:20 pm



Budrus                                                South Florida Premiere

Julia Bacha, director                             U.S.A. 2009

Arabic, Hebrew w/ English subtitles      82 minutes

When Ayed Morrar learned the Israeli security fence would cut through his West Bank village, he organized a peaceful protest. His teenage daughter convinced the village women to join in, and that galvanized rival parties Hamas and Fatah–and Israelis–to come together and join the effort to save the village.  This groundbreaking documentary neither romanticizes nor demonizes the many viewpoints it reveals. Instead, with gripping intensity, it captures the power of ordinary people peacefully working for extraordinary change.


Guest: Jessica Devaney, co-producer, invited.

Cobb Downtown, Thursday, Dec. 9, 7:20 pm



The Debt                                                        Florida Premiere

John Madden, director                          U.K., 2010                                                     

English                                                  104 min

Academy Award® winner Helen Mirren stars in this polished thriller as one of three Mossad agents who were sent on a secret mission to capture a Nazi war criminal in 1960’s Eastern Europe. Now, decades later, a man claiming to be the hunted Nazi has re-surfaced, and she must return to the scene of the hunt to uncover the truth.  Haunted by memories of her younger self, and her two fellow agents, she relives the trauma of those early events and confronts the debt she has incurred.


Regal Delray 18, Friday, Dec.10, 1:20 pm





The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground                             Florida Premiere

Erik Greenberg Anjou, director                         U.S.A. 2010

English                                                              105 minutes

A special holiday treat for klezmer music lovers!   For more than 20 years, the Grammy Award-winning Klezmatics have been at the vanguard of the international klezmer revival. Through collaborations with diverse artists such as Chava Alberstein, Arlo Guthrie, Itzak Perlman, and Joshua Nelson, they’ve redefined contemporary Jewish music. Following the group through tours in the U.S. and Eastern Europe, this strikingly honest documentary reveals the challenges the band members face as they strive to continue making joyous, boundary-breaking music while balancing the demands of families, and their own individual careers and personalities. 


Regal Delray 18, Friday, Dec. 10, 3:30 pm

Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec.12, 7:20 pm



Little Rose                                                                 Southeast Premiere

Jan Kidawa-Blonski, director                                        Poland, 2010

Polish w/English subtitles                                               118 min.

Based on true events, this is an expose’ of how Polish agents infiltrated and informed on groups of liberal artists and intellectuals, and about the price one is willing to pay for love. Set against mid-1960s anti-Semitic campaigns, a dangerous love triangle evolves when a rough, Security Services agent enlists his sexy, but naïve girlfriend to spy on an alleged Jewish writer, and his circle of friends.  Not particularly interested in serving communism, but eager to please her domineering lover, “Rose” accepts the mission with dire results.


Regal Delray 18, Saturday, Dec. 11, 9:30 pm



Teaching Multiculturalism in a Jewish State: Two Films

In Israel, there is no separation of “religion vs. state” in public education. Yet as Israel becomes a multicultural society, issues arise about what and how to teach, as shown in the following films. 



Bridge Over the Wadi                                   East Coast Premiere

Tomer & Barak Heymann, co-directors            Israel, 2006

Hebrew w/ English subtitles                               55 min.

A captivating documentary about a joint bi-national, bi-lingual school in northern Israel started in 2004 by Israeli and Palestinian parents. Filming the school’s first year, the filmmakers capture the personal stories of students, teachers, and parents to show how complicated and fragile is the attempt to create an environment of co-existence against a background of mutual fear and hostility.


Followed by…


World Class Kids                                                                   Southeast Premiere

Netta Loevy, director                                                               Israel, 2010

Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Filipino w/ English subtitles   54 min.

In this magical documentary about a second-grade class in the heart of Tel Aviv, we get the chance to view complex issues in a fresh, direct manner through the students’ eyes.  With poignant intuition and an honesty and directness unique to eight-year-olds, the children point out basic conflicts in Israeli society, deal with painful identity issues, and experience the first cracks in their childhood naivete.


Guest: Lynne Liberman, Director of the Friedman Commission for Jewish Education.


Cobb Downtown, Sunday, Dec.12, 3:30 p.m.





Cobb Downtown at the Gardens

11701 Lake Victoria Gardens Ave.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL

(561) 253-0819


Regal Delray Beach 18

1660 South Federal Highway (Linton Boulevard & Federal Highway)

Delray Beach, FL

(561) 272-2900


Regal Royal Palm Beach

1003 N. State Road 7 (south of Okeechobee Boulevard.)

Royal Palm Beach, FL

(561) 795-0022


Movies of Delray 

7421 West Atlantic Ave. (at Hagen Ranch Road)

Delray Beach, FL

(561) 638-0020



Film Schedule


Cobb Downtown at the Gardens


Dec. 1,   7:20  pm        Anita  


Dec. 4,   7:20  pm        The Matchmaker


 9:30 pm           Oh! What A Mess


Dec. 5   1:20 pm          In the Footsteps of Abraham

             3:30  pm          Arab Labor   

             5:30 pm           Sixty In The City

             7:20 pm           Gei-Oni


Dec. 6   7:20 pm          The Infidel


Dec.  7   3:00 pm          Ahead of Time

              7:20 pm          Bride Flight


Dec. 8   3:00 pm          Saviors In the Night

             7:20 pm           The Round Up


Dec. 9  3:00 pm          Yes, Miss Commander

             7:20 pm           Budrus


Dec. 12  1:20  pm       Jaffa      

   3:30 pm       World Class Kids & Bridge Over Wadi

               5:30 pm       Jews and Baseball

               7:20 pm       The Klezmatics


Regal Royal Palm Beach


Dec.7       7:20 pm    Adam’s Wall

Dec. 8      7:20 pm    He’s My Girl

Dec. 9      7:20 pm    Berlin ‘36



Regal Delray 18


Dec. 2              7:20 pm                        Anita


Dec. 6              1:20 pm                        Jaffa

                        3 :30 pm                       Sixty In the City

                        7:20 pm                        Gei-Oni


Dec. 7              1:20 pm                        Blood Relations & Cohen On the Bridge

3:30 pm                       No. 4 Street of Our Lady

7:20 pm                       Jews and Baseball


                  Dec. 8              1:20 pm                        Lone Samaritan & Sayed Kashua: Forever Sacred

3:30 pm                        Yes, Miss Commander

                                          7:20pm             Berlin’36


                  Dec. 9              1:20 pm                        Ida’s Dance Club & No Way to Say Goodbye

                                          3:30 pm                        He’s My Girl

                                          7:20 pm                        Bride Flight


                  Dec. 10            1:20 pm                        The Debt

                                          3:30 pm                       The Klezmatics: Holy Ground 


Dec. 11          7:20 pm                         Saviors in the Night

                                         9:30 pm             Little Rose                



                 Movies of Delray


                  Dec. 7              11 a.m.                        Ultimatum

                  Dec. 8              11 a.m.                        Two Ladies

                  Dec. 9              1:20 pm                       The Loners





The mission of the Jewish Community Center of the Greater Palm Beaches is to create a strong Jewish community by providing high quality programs close to where people live that connect people to Jewish life.

The JCC is a partner agency of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.

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