December, 2011 – Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery Celebrates the Art of Women


Clay Glass Metal Stone Cooperative Gallery


My Two Hands

 A Woman’s Vision

Opening Friday January 6, 6 PM to 9 PM


On Friday evening, January 6 from 6-10 P.M. Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery will celebrate the Art of Women-My Two Hands.  The exhibition will honor the women who know that Culture is shaped by women with vision (and dirty fingernails.)  This, the first CGMS exhibit of the New Year, will feature the strong, dynamic women of the gallery who have forged their existence by the creation of signature sculpture.  The talent found within this small Lake Worth cooperative gallery has been individually recognized by collectors for decades.  It sits within the gallery waiting to be discovered by new eyes and new admirers.


The most interesting women among us know that life is never neat and tidy.  They are mud wrestlers ready to get down and dirty.  Covered with mud, clay dust, paint and chemicals they forge ahead defying tradition and convention; making the impossible possible through their art forms.  Not a single piece of their clothing escapes the effects of exposure to the process.  Whether torn and tattered or covered with a slurry of slip and glaze, these women defy gravity, atmosphere, time and place to lay out a vision that is theirs and yours at the same time.


Never underestimate the power of a woman who plays with mud and fire.  Watch for those women who manipulate torches and kilns.  Take another look at those who bend glass and vitrify building blocks made from silica, Metal, mud and water.


MaryEllen Dohrs, the first women engineer in the automobile industry in Detroit, designed the interiors of luxury cars for decades. She is known for her intricate dramatic sculptures of basketball players wearing Nike sneakers.  Her ability to create anatomically accurate sculptures of both human and animal forms will be demonstrated outside the gallery.  MaryEllen will be creating a large, active figurative sculpture as you watch.

A wine and cheese tasting takes place at every opening.  Clay§Glass§Metal§Stone Cooperative Gallery is sponsored by the Flamingo Clay Studio, a non-profit arts organization whose mission is to provide affordable studio and gallery space for three-dimensional artists.  The gallery is located at 605 Lake Avenue in downtown Lake Worth.    Gallery openings are the first and third Friday of each month from 6-9PM.  For information call 215-205-9441.

