

Mayor’s Column


By Mayor Anne Gerwig

How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along?  If you feel like you’re losing steam, you’re not alone.  We’ve all been there, that point where our commitment to our resolutions starts to waver. Hang in there, keep up the good work, and treat yourself to Wellington’s February events.

This month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Spend this special day at one of our great restaurants, shopping in our community, or enjoying the open space of our parks.

On Monday, February 20th, Americans across the country will celebrate Presidents Day. While many of us will take that time to relax with our families, it is also important for us to reflect on the historical significance of this holiday. Two of our greatest presidents were born this month—George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Their steadfast leadership and lasting contributions played a vital role in establishing the peace and freedom that we enjoy today.

To all of Wellington’s aspiring superstars — Wellington Idol is back this year, shining the spotlight on our wonderful local talent. Contestants must be at least eight years old to participate. The winner earns his/her bragging rights and walks home with the $500 Grand Prize. Three runner-ups will win $250 prizes. Visit our website wellingtonfl.gov to download the registration packet. The deadline to register is Thursday, February 16th. Each year our community displays incredible talent, and I can’t wait to hear Wellington’s newest singing sensations.

Enjoy ongoing free entertainment at the Wellington Amphitheater with live concerts, movie nights and local singers.  Our Thursday night “Food Truck Invasion” continues this month with live music at each event. View the schedule on our website wellingtonfl.gov for more details on all of the February events.

The Annual Tribute Music & Food Truck Festival returns to the Wellington Amphitheater this month, with two weekends full of food trucks, and music by some of the best tribute bands in all of South Florida. The Festival is scheduled Thursday through Saturday, February 9th through 11th and February 16th through 18th, with approximately 10 to 15 food trucks attending each event from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm, and concerts starting at 7:00 pm. All events are FREE to attend.

As we continue to focus on our New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to remind you of one very serious resolution we must all keep; that is to promote safety and educate ourselves about crimes of opportunity.   Wellington continues to focus on sharing home security tips and has been spreading the message through our Wellington TV channel, social media, and our newsletter – “Don’t become a victim of a crime of opportunity.”  We want to remind residents to:

  • lock doors, including garage and sliding glass doors
  • arm security systems
  • report suspicious activity to PBSO immediately

I look forward to seeing you all around the Village this month, enjoying all that our Great Hometown has to offer. 

Please watch our very informative Public Service Announcements available on our YouTube page: http://bit.ly/1Ja1Xyi.  Wellington works with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office to provide timely information and encourage safety throughout our neighborhoods.