February, 2010 – Astrology at Work




February, 2010Karola Crawford


By Karola Crawford


    Well Pisces, while you were dreaming another birthday crept up, so here is a toast to you!  Your energy is feminine, receptive and you are definitely a water sign symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions.  One fish represents the personality and the other fish the soul, and one must be the master of your life in order for you to become proficient at swimming in the waters of life.  Neptune, your ruler represents gases, anesthesia, hospitals, the metaphysical world, institutions, and spirituality among other things.  You are very sensitive and are full of feelings and intuitive clairvoyance.  You can be extremely sympathetic and compassionate, and are self-sacrificing, full of imagination, and hypersensitive.  You can be impressionable, indecisive and changeable.  Your work is best with animals, films, the sea or water, or anything that requires caring such as doctors, actors, artists, nurses, psychiatrists, social workers and teachers. 

The opposing forces within you can cause insecurity and indecisiveness and sometimes you try to escape through eating, alcohol or other excesses.  You are extremely creative and self-sufficient and your mind is extremely active because you are so full of imagination. You are able to sense and feel things that others are not even aware of.  This could be the general atmosphere in a group or someone that you are having a one on one discussion with. You know deep within when you are being deceived.  Pisceans are congenial, adaptable and very versatile, however, you do not always have the strong willpower that is necessary to approach life in a dynamic fashion.  No one should underestimate you, however, into thinking that you are placid because you can stir up a hurricane if made unhappy.

You can be a mystic when you learn to use your prophetic gifts and listen to your strong intuition. This will definitely benefit you immensely as your elusive quality is correct even if not easily explained.  You are extremely generous in helping other people and appreciate when they reciprocate.  Your nature is to avoid confrontations and a reluctance to hurt others.  This quality causes others to be able to use you as you find it difficult to break the bonds and become uninvolved.  The downtrodden and strays of life and animals are lavished with your tender loving care, and friends gravitate to you easily as you are very loyal. 

   This Birthday allows hidden angels and blessings to come you way, even as unknown forces are causing changes to explode all around you.  Know that you are protected and that help with arrive when you need it, even if only at the last minute.


Aries – Rethink your actions before moving ahead with gusto.  There may be changes that require modification before they become permanent.


Taurus – Sensitivity sets in the latter part of the month as you dwell on the past and what could have been.  See the now as being perfect just the way that it is.


Gemini – Your social life is booming and your business is waiting to be managed with enthusiasm.  Go for it.


Cancer – The challenge is balancing home with the many other responsibilities that you hold.  Structures will be changed even if you hold on.


Leo – A meditation before plunging ahead is in order.  You have so many things going on that you may be missing a key fact, so regroup.


Virgo – Your desire to throw caution to the wind and push forward against all odds is not the ideal way to handle this transit.  Be clear about what you really want to eliminate.


Libra – You are feeling a bit closed in with responsibility and this will probably continue for a while.  This is a good time to build foundations.


Scorpio – A need to be flexible is being forced upon you.  The old and worn may be ready for an update, resulting in permanence down the road.


Sagittarius – You want answers but things are not clear at this time.  Go with the flow and allow the universe to give you signals to move forward. Trust your strong instincts.


Capricorn – Your predictable world is being rearranged by outside forces.  This is not something that you can control, so allow the changes to happen.  All will be well.


Aquarius – Art and beauty are big on the agenda so visit local shows and concerts.  You may want to exercise your talents of dancing and painting as well.


Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at www.karolacrawford.com.