February, 2010 – AW in Pictures


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site!

Ronald McDonald helps a young Komen racer with spinning the ball.
Ronald McDonald helps a young Komen racer with spinning the ball.
Tracie Biery, a survivor, of team "Life is Good" walks proudly with the 1st place plunger on her head - for best decorated Tickled Pink Potty.
Tracie Biery, a survivor, of team "Life is Good" walks proudly with the 1st place plunger on her head - for best decorated Tickled Pink Potty.
Scouts were cheering and wheels were spinning as Wellington Cub Scout Pack 125 held their annual Pinewood Derby at St. Peters Methodist Church on January 16. Den Leader David O’Donnell led over 50 scouts who were racing their homemade wooden kit cars for the grand prize. Photo by Lois Spatz.
Scouts were cheering and wheels were spinning as Wellington Cub Scout Pack 125 held their annual Pinewood Derby at St. Peters Methodist Church on January 16. Den Leader David O’Donnell led over 50 scouts who were racing their homemade wooden kit cars for the grand prize. Photo by Lois Spatz.


Newly inducted players in the Wycliffe Stiffs Stickball Hall of Fame
Newly inducted players in the Wycliffe Stiffs Stickball Hall of Fame. Also see "Photo Galleries" and "Videos" on aroundwellington.com for more of their Hall of Fame ceremony.