February, 2010 – For the Love of Pets


Pet TalkFrances Goodman


For the Love of Pets

by Frances Goodman


Love, love, love. What is it really?

Aside from the romantic view, here is one description found in the dictionary:

“Affectionate concern for the well-being of others….”

Noted author Eric Fromm went to great lengths to define it in his book, The Art of Loving.

Although I disagree with much of his overall philosophy, I do like his definition of what real love must include:

Care (about), Responsibility (toward), Respect (for) and Knowledge (about) another.

Note that emotion is not in the list. Nor are the attributes of the recipient. According to Fromm, these are all things that should emanate from the character of the one who does the loving.

Pets and people who receive this kind of love are most fortunate.



Then there’s the special kind of love that dogs give us — the unconditional kind.

In other words, a steadfast loyalty that is also based on the character of the giver rather than the receiver.

An accepting love that simply is.

English author Jerome K. Jerome is remembered for putting it this way:

“A dog never makes it his business to inquire whether you are in the right or in the wrong, rich or poor, silly or wise. Come luck or misfortune, good repute or bad, he is going to stick to you.”


More on Dogs

Here are more quotes on the subject:

From Celia Haddon, English pet columnist and author: “A loving friendship, formed over thousands of years, flourishes between dogs and human beings. Dogs have left the hunting pack of their ancestors and become members of our human world.”

From M. Acklam: “We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It’s the best deal man has ever made.”

Here are some excerpts from “Dog Haiku.” It came in one of those emails that circulate among pet lovers:

“How do I love thee?

“The ways are as numberless as

“My hairs on the rug.

“Dig under the fence — why?

“Because it is there. Because it’s

“There. Because it’s there.

“Look in my eyes and

“Deny it. No human could

“Love you as much as I do.”



When it comes to cats, not too many humans have been motivated to write about the unconditional love of cats. However, they are quite capable of giving non-judgmental loyalty and affection, even though a few conditions may be attached.

Here are some thoughts from those who have had cats and loved them:

“One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home.” – Pam Brown.

And from Cleveland Amory, author of The Cat Who Came for Christmas:

“As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind.”

Here’s wishing you real love – the ability to give it as well as the good fortune of receiving it.


Frances Goodman is a professional dog trainer and pet care writer who lives in Royal Palm Beach. Got a question? Email her at [email protected]. Or click her ad below to visit her website, www.mypetnews.com.

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