February, 2010 – Happy Valentine’s Day


Letter from the Editor



February, 2010                                                                                     


Dear Around Wellington Readers,


Happy February and Happy Valentine’s Day!


I hope that you are all having a good start to the New Year!  I’m

The award-winning "Royal Flush" Pink Potty at the Komen Race
The award-winning "Royal Flush" Pink Potty at the Komen Race

 writing this after a beautiful morning at the Komen Race for the Cure, just breezy and lovely along Flagler in West Palm Beach and so many spirited groups wearing their best shades of pink. We also had the fun of decorating a pink PortaPotty last night, celebrating our friend Tracie, a breast cancer survivor with a “Royal Flush” princess theme. Our team won the prestigious pink plunger for best decorating of a PortaPotty, thanks to overall potty art director Kim Knobbe. Silly, right? 


It was a beautiful full moon last night, the brightest one of the year, and you could also see Mars quite clearly!  And how, you might ask, did I remember to get outside around midnight and look up at the sky?  THANKS to our monthly columnists Anna Sanclement, who writes “The Space Room” and always adds a little astronomy at the end of her sci-fi news under the heading of “Sky Events this month.” This month Anna writes about Battlestar Galactica’s “The Plan” and “Caprica.”


Speaking of the stars and the moon, writer Karola Crawford gives us a good summary of what’s going on in your astrological world each month. This month in “Astrology at Work in your Life,” she focuses on Pisces, but as usual, gives a little advice for each sign too.


Our terrific contests continue! Thanks again to My Gym in Royal Palm Beach for providing our most recent prize, a birthday party!  If you have been trying and haven’t won yet, please keep trying!  As I’ve said before, this is an attainable goal! Don’t forget to enter to win our beginning-of-the-month contest, a relaxing one-hour massage at Massage Envy. So please enter between February 1st – 10th. The winner will be announced on our website on February 11th. And here’s another great contest coming in the middle of the month!  You could win a 90-minute European facial with microdermabrasian at the newly re-opened Sanda Gané European Day Spa in Wellington, valued at $275! Please don’t forget to enter this contest beginning February 15th!  Look for their special Valentine’s offer in our AW Coupons! THANKS to our advertisers for making these contests possible!


In this month’s Teen Talk, columnist Evan Baumel seems to be exactly on the pulse of what’s going on and what’s going wrong in this country. He addresses political extremism and says, “As the future generation, we must make it our mission to cooperate with people who hold different views from ours.”


Happy Valentine's Day!As we get ready for another Valentine’s Day, writer Marla Schwartz gives us a glimpse into the lives of several couples who work together. She asks, “How do couples who work together succeed at both love and business ventures?” Check out “Valentine’s Day Insights  in our AW Stories of the Month to see how these couples “make it work,” even after an-eight or ten hour day together.


Writer Marla Schwartz also brings to our attention the marvelous husband and wife team Adam and Carrie Simpson; they teach drama at Lynn University!  Another great couple who “work together” and “play together.”



For a tasty change of scenery, see Terri Farris’ travel column about the annual, 75-year-old Strawberry Festival at Plant City.


There are so many other great articles and features this month! 


As I Was Saying

AW Stories of the Month


Cantankerously Yours

Cultural Corner

Health & Fitness

Kids Corner

Lighten Up with Lisa

Living Green

Pet Talk

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

Ultimate Productivity



THANKS, as always, to our readers and our advertisers!  We appreciate you!!


And whatever you decide to do for Valentine’s Day, I hope it’s a special one. Whether you’re cutting out pink hearts with your preschooler or going out to a favorite restaurant with your sweetie pie…or consuming an entire box of chocolates single-handedly, I hope it’s a great day!  Let’s hope it’s the first or the second option!!




Krista Martinelli

