February, 2010 – PW Chamber Economic Development Forum




Maureen Gross     [email protected]

Director of Development, Palms West Chamber of Commerce

(561)790-6200 office  (561)714-0887 cell



Palms West Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Forum

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

South Florida Fairgrounds, Gate 8, Building #10


The Palms West Chamber of Commerce and its Economic Development Committee are pleased to invite you to attend the first organizational meeting of the Economic Development Task Force on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 at 7:00p.m.  The meeting will be held in Building #1 at the South Florida Fair Grounds.  Please enter from Southern Blvd, onto Fairgrounds Road and park at Gate 8.                                                                                                                         

At this meeting, task force members consisting of elected officials and staff members along with community and chamber leadership will present an overview of the purpose and goals of the  Task Force and its Regional Economic Development Initiative. 

We hope that you will come to this meeting and join us as we launch the Regional Economic Development Initiative in an effort to unite our region to positively impact our communities’ employment potential, business development patterns and our quality of life.

Please call Maureen at the Chamber to reserve your spot at the meeting at (561)790-6200.  Or, for more information, email Susan Giddings at [email protected]