February, 2010 – Wellington Women’s Club Meeting


Wellington Women’s Club Monthly Meeting on Feb. 4th

The Wellington Women’s Club invites you to attend its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Februray 4, 6:30 p.m., at Binks Forest Golf Club, 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington. 

In addition to a buffet dinner, members and guests will enjoy a presentation by Paulette Bragel, manager of Hoffman’s Chocolates in the Shoppes at Wellington Green.  She may be bringing samples!  Plan to bring a friend or two for what will be a fun and tasty evening.

Half-year memberships in the WWC are available beginning in February at a cost of $130 and include dinner at the remaining four meetings of the year and a discount to the May fundraising event.

Guests are welcome for a fee of $30.  For reservations or more information, please contact Allyson, 798-6741.