February, 2012 – Wellington Art Society and Kathy Morlock


Wellington Art Society Meeting and News

The next meeting for the Wellington Art Society will be Wednesday,

Artist Kathy Morlock
Artist Kathy Morlock

 February 8, at 6:30 at the Wellington Community Center. Jerry Kornbluth will be talking about preparing your art for exhibit and taking great photos of your art. He also designs artists’ websites: http://www.jkwebdesigns.com/


The artwork of Kathy Morlock will be on display through February 29th at the Whole Foods Market Café in Wellington. The artist reception was a huge success — 70 people attended, raising $350 for the Wellington Art Society Scholarship Fund. Thirteen of her watercolors and oil paintings are on display. Many are inspired by the Florida landscape and her travels to other tropical locales, like Hawaii and The Keys. To see more photos from the event and read the blog visit…
