February, 2013 – Karate students practice kangeiko


Karate students practice kangeiko

Wellington, FL, January 6, 2013: 6:00am, eight studentsbeach_karate_116 from the Genbu-Kai Karate school, met at Ocean Ridge Park in North Palm Beach to practice Kangeiko. Kangeiko, loosely translated, means “winter training.” This type of training is a special test of endurance, and forges character development within the participants. It’s also an excellent way for the students to form new friendships. In Japan, Kangeiko is practiced outside, in the snow during the winter. Sensei Moore often held Kangeiko in his New York schools before moving to Florida. While some parents thought it was crazy to practice outside in the snow and cold, the students loved it and looked forward to it each year. Pictured (front row) L: to R: Eden Martin, Tyann Bedwell, Kota Ramsey and Taiga Ramsey. Pictured (back row) L: to R: Alan Tobin, Ron Martin, Brent Bedwell, Sensei Keith Moore, and Catherine Mazzella. For more information on the classes, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our website at www.floridagenbukai.com.