First Care Celebrates Life at Vision Dinner in West Palm Beach



Supporters of local nonprofit share vision of centralized location for comprehensive maternity care for women in Palm Beach County


Palm Beach, Fla. – February 8, 2020 – Residents from Palm Beach and the county at-large, who share concerns about the future of local mothers, unveiled their vision for providing more comprehensive care to pregnant women and those who need help as single parents.

Chuck and Diane Hanlon, photo credit: Lauren Lieberman, LILA Photo

First Care Women’s Clinic in West Palm Beach and its plans to build a one-stop center for maternity care and wellness were the center of attention at a special Vision Dinner, held at the Breakers on February 4, 2020. The Vision Dinner committee was led by Angela Williams of Palm Beach, Allie Hanley of Palm Beach, Luciana Vittoria of Palm Beach, Annie Erneston of Singer Island, Denice Simpson of Wellington, Diane Hanlon of Wellington and Holly Boswell of Palm Beach Gardens.

The committee and First Care Executive Director Beau Heyman welcomed approximately 60 guests, many who learned about the agency, which assists women who are dealing with crisis pregnancies and empowering them with information and support to keep their babies. First Care Women’s Clinic is a faith-based organization that focuses on providing women with alternatives and resources to keep their child, rather than seek termination.

Boswell , who has served on the Board for 11 years, became involved with First Care Women’s Clinic because she believes in the pro-life movement.

“I think ending abortion in our county will save babies, and I believe we can help the mothers through whatever they are dealing with – either through adoption, parenting classes, or more support,” Boswell said. “I hope the result of the Vision Dinner is to obviously raise awareness and to get more people involved, and ultimately, to have a building to house parallel services with partners who can fill in the gaps of service. I think the pro-life movement gets accused of caring only about the babies, but First Care cares very much about the mother, her well-being and what happens to her.”

The 20/20 Vision and Beyond: Project Light and Hope campaign to raise funds for a comprehensive care center is the nonprofit’s focus this year, Heyman said.

“We’d like to purchase a building, which would house a First Care medical clinic and partners as tenants, such as social services, and a pro-life obstetrician,” Heyman said. “It would make it easier for us to refer clients to existing partners, and be a centralized location for services,  in addition to being a revenue generator. Such a center doesn’t exist in Palm Beach County now, and we feel that it would fill a critical void. We want to empower women and share with them the love of Jesus. We don’t just want to save the child; we want the mother to spend eternity in Heaven.”


Since 1983, First Care Women’s Clinic has provided compassionate care, including reproductive health screenings, testing and ultrasounds, to its clients and their families. Staff serves residents from offices in West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Boca Raton and the western communities. To learn more about the mission and services of First Women’s Clinic, visit or call 561-688-2163.