Happy March & April 2017


Happy March & April


Time marches on and sometimes we need to combine the Letter from the Editor for two months.  It’s a beautiful spring with Passover going on, and people making preparations for Easter.

Jeffrey Ritter visits children in hospitals, spreading cheer.

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing a true hero, Jeff Ritter of Jeffros Heroes.  For about three years now, he’s been dressing up as a superhero and visiting sick kids in hospitals, bringing cheer wherever he goes.  It’s always inspiring to meet someone who does something they truly love and someone who doesn’t do it for money, but for the joy of it.  My story about Jeff will come out a little later this month.

This month (April) I also had the opportunity to interview Justin Brady of a much-loved local restaurant, Bolay.  A lot of people are frequent flyers to Bolay, eating there three or four times a week.  Read about what makes Bolay’s healthy take on eating so special in this month’s “AW Spotlight” article.

A warm welcome to our new intern and Teen Talk writer Mikayla Carroll.  Mikayla is also the News Editor at the Palm Beach Central High School newspaper, the Bronco Beat.  I look forward to hearing about what is on her mind in upcoming Teen Talk columns. 

One of our writers, Dr. Randy Laurich, has been producing videos instead of writing articles for his “Ask the Docs” column, a nice twist.  Check out his informative video about the possible Repercussions of Heavy Weight Lifting.  

This month Wendell Abern gets even more Cantankerous in Cantankerously Yours as he recalls his attempts to fix a flat tire and the reputation that it brought him.

For a run-down of some great cultural things to Live, Go, Do, read “Cultural Corner” by Lori Baumel.  She always provides an excellent listing of things to do.  This month she talks about the many twists and turns we have experienced…with the election, the Oscars, the Superbowl.  Things have been unpredictable.

As always, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Please explore the many articles and new photos that we have to offer on AroundWellington.com.  And I look forward to seeing you Around Wellington!


Krista Martinelli

Editor/ Publisher
