January, 2010 – A Greener Life


Living Green

Take Small SteJathy Garcia of Hi-Tech Plumbingps for a Greener Life- New Year’s Resolution

Compiled By Jathy Garcia

Are you looking for a simple way to make your life a little more eco-friendly? What better time than the new year to incorporate a few new habits into your life. These small steps can you help you live your life a little greener, one day at a time.

  • Recycle – This point can’t be emphasized enough. Recycling not only prevents trash from going to landfills, it reduces the need for the manufacture of new products. Go to Earth911.com to find the nearest recycling center or bin. Set up a few separate trash cans. The most important products to separate are paper, plastic, and aluminum. If you’re lucky enough to have curbside recycling in your neighborhood, start taking advantage of this great service right away!
  • Reuse – Instead of throwing away unwanted items – from shoes and clothes to appliances and toys – find ways to reuse them. This can mean taking them to Goodwill, Faith Farm or the Salvation Army, or selling them in a garage sale or on Craigslist. There are lots of places that take used and unwanted objects to give them new life.
  • Slowly Switch to CFLs – Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are energy efficient light bulbs that will not only help you live a little greener, but will also put some green in your pocket by reducing your energy bills. The key to switching to CFLs in an eco-friendly manner is to wait until your present light bulbs burn out first. Throwing away bulbs that are still good is creating unnecessary waste – counterintuitive to everything green.
  • Use Reusable Bags – You’ve heard it a hundred times. Now, add it to your new year resolutions and actually do it. Take your own bags to the grocery store and stop amassing all those plastic and paper bags.
  • Ditch the Disposable Packaging – Do you pack a sandwich for lunch in a zip-top baggie every day? Invest in a reusable Tupperware container or the eco-friendly reusable wraps- visit http://www.wrap-n-mat.com/index.php and cut down on your waste. All of that discarded plastic will only pollute landfills and oceans for centuries. While you’re at it, get reusable containers at http://www.wrap-n-mat.com/index.phpher for your lunch items, as well as for any other product that usually ends up in a baggie.
  •  Buy Organic – You don’t have to convert your entire grocery list to organic items, but invest in a few locally grown or organic items each week. Check out this listing of the 43 Best and Worst Fruits and Vegetables -http://www.foodnews.org/walletguide.php – when it comes to pesticide contamination. Buying just one of the top offenders in an organic variety will not only help the environment, it could help your health.
  • Clean Green – You can buy environmentally-friendly cleaning products almost anywhere now. Look for eco-conscious products from your local supermarket. These are safer alternatives to bleach and other harsh chemicals that will give you a healthier home and environment.
  • Cancel Paper Bills – Spend a few minutes online and cancel all your paper bills. Most credit cards and even some water and power companies now offer this handy alternative. If you check your email daily, you won’t lose any of the convenience and you’ll save a lot of waste.
  •  Stop Your Junk Mail – This action will not only save the planet, it might help save your sanity a bit, too. Who really needs all of those endless advertisements cluttering their mailbox? Go to http://precycle.tonic.com/ and stop the junk mail coming to your home.

When it comes to greener plumbing options, feel free to call us at 561-790-6966. Remember Don’t Fret . . . Just Call Hi-Tech. Hi-Tech plumbing is a plumbing contractor in your local Wellington area who specializes in “green” repairs. For more information visit our website at www.hi-techplumbing.com.