January, 2010 – ArtStart Scholarship comes “Gift Wrapped”


Wellington, FL (January 4, 2010) — ArtStart would like to thank Barnes &Nobles and its patrons for their generosity this holiday season.  ArtStart, whose mission is to provide educational opportunities in the arts, was selected as one of the non-profit organizations to work the Barnes and Noble gift wrapping table in December.   The gift wrapping service is provided at no charge, however customers are free to give tips to the organization whose volunteers are wrapping their gifts. “As a result of our selection by Barnes & Noble,” said ArtStart founder and president Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi, “we collected enough in tips to fund one of our 2010 Youth Art Scholarships.  We can’t thank Barnes & Noble, and their customers, enough for their generosity.”


ArtStart's Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi with Maryann Hanley of Barnes & Noble
ArtStart's Jeannette Pomeroy Parssi with Maryann Hanley of Barnes & Noble


Parssi said she was also pleased that among the ArtStart volunteers were a seven high school students* who were able to log community service hours by participating.  “We want to thank all of our volunteers, without whose help we could never have managed,” she said. Volunteering for ArtStart were: Larry Adkinson; *Kaci Bennett; Suzanne Bennett; Marilyn Berns; Anne Boodheshwar; Bobbie Brubaker; Jenny Dixon; *Mary Dixon; *Brianna Erickson; Mary Inglis; *Allison Parssi; *Isabella Valdescruz; *Crystal Yan and *Felicia Yan.



The ArtStart Youth Art Scholarship is available to 5th grade students who are applying for acceptance as visual arts majors at Bak Middle School of the Arts.  The $250 scholarship is intended to help defray the cost of attending a portfolio development course, and may also pay for items such as art supplies and other materials needed to create a winning portfolio and increase the chances for a successful audition. 


The deadline for submitting applications for the 2010 ArtStart Youth Art Scholarship is Friday, October 15, 2010.  Applications may be downloaded by visiting www.ArtStartInc.org or obtained via e-mail at [email protected].  For more information, contact ArtStart at (561) 635-2037.