January, 2010 – Hospice of PBC Announces CFO


December 10, 2009
Contact: Jennifer Martinez, Communications Manager
Hospice of Palm Beach County
(561) 273-2194 or [email protected]

Hospice of Palm Beach County Promotes Richard F. Calcote to CFO

PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL – Hospice of Palm Beach County is proud to announce the promotion of Richard F. Calcote to Chief Financial Officer for the organization.
Calcote, who has been with the organization for more than two years, has worked previously in the positions of Corporate Controller and as a financial consultant. Prior to joining HPBC full time, Calcote owned an independent CPA/consulting firm providing interim CFO, financial management and data systems consulting. He has more than 25 years of experience as CFO for corporations with extensive experience in international business management.
In this new role, Calcote will be responsible for ensuring HPBC and its affiliate companies are financially secure, and able to meet their commitments to patients, their families and the Palm Beach County community. In addition to the financial goals of the organization, he is charged with ensuring the responsible and ethical management of funds we receive from Medicare, Medicaid and the hundreds of donors who support the programs and services of HPBC.
“One of the goals for this coming year is to improve the quality and understandability of the financial information we deliver to staff,” said Calcote.  “By helping the staff fully understand their operations from a financial perspective, they will be able to provide top of the line care to patients and families in our community and fully follow our mission of providing a great healthcare experience to all.”
For more information on the services Hospice of Palm Beach County provides to the community, please visit www.hpbc.com <http://www.hpbc.com> or call 1-800-HOSPICE.

About Hospice of Palm Beach County:  
Hospice of Palm Beach County, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization is dedicated to meeting every need of patients and families faced with advanced illness. The organization offers a comprehensive range of programs and services – from nationally recognized hospice care to music therapy, massage and loss-specific healing services. Full bereavement support is offered to hospice families and to anyone in the community in need.
Care is provided wherever the patient is – the home, skilled nursing or assisted living facility, hospital or hospice inpatient unit, including the C.W. Gerstenberg Hospice Center in West Palm Beach, the Jay Robert Lauer Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at JFK Medical Center, the Bethesda Memorial Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, and the Hospice and Palliative Care Units at Delray Medical Center, Good Samaritan Medical Center, and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. Hospice of Palm Beach County’s focus is on quality of life. The organization is sensitive to and respectful of religious, cultural and personal beliefs. For information about Hospice of Palm Beach County, please call (888) 848-5200 or visit www.hpbc.com.

Licensed since 1981
Accredited by The Joint Commission 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organization
Accredited as a Jewish Hospice by the Palm Beach County Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Serving all of Palm Beach County – Boca Raton to Tequesta, the Glades to the Beach