January, 2010 – Wellington Garden Club


The Wellington Garden Club’s Monthly Meeting

Where: Wellington Community Center

When: Monday, January 4th 2010

Luncheon and Business Meeting 11:30 am; Program 1:00 pm


FANCY HIBISCUS” – Winn Soldani


Winn became a grower of “Fancy Hibiscus” after falling in love with these beautiful tropical flowers and experimenting on his own. Once he realized that the quality of plants he was creating in his own backyard were superior to those produced by the “experts”, in 1982 he turned his hobby into a business.

Winn has been written up in the Palm Beach Post and dubbed the “Hercules of Hibiscus”.


Some of his hybrids like the “Black Dragon” are considered the rage of the hibiscus world. His “Fancy Hibiscus” has been featured in National Garden Magazine, and on the cover of “A Garden Diary: A Guide to Gardening in South Florida”, as well as in theme parks in the Midwest.


Winn has been a consultant for numerous gardens throughout the country such as Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Miami, Flamingo Gardens in Ft. Lauderdale, Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, the National Arboretum at the Smithsonian in DC, and Queen Elizabeth Gardens in Grand Cayman as well as the Dupont Estate in WPB and Bunny Melon’s Estate in Aruba, to name a few. Winn will be introducing us to his unusual creations and hard to find oddities and his rare species in blues, blacks, silver and “color combinations you won’t believe.” He will also offer us the opportunity to become the owner of one (or more) of his amazing hibiscuses.


The public is invited. A light lunch is served. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to (561) 793-6013 or (561) 798-9217.


Beverly Lichtenstein, PR

(561) 791-2722

[email protected]