January, 2012 – Improvements


Mommy MomentsMelanie Lewis

Improvements for the New Year

By Melanie Lewis


It’s not that I don’t need to improve anything in my life – my diet, finances or organizational skills.  But many New Year’s resolutions tend to be some form of improvement.  It just seems like it’s focusing on aspects that are wrong or defective.  It’s a bit of a downer in a time afresh with hope.


This past summer I attended the Silpada (jewelry) national convention. At one training session there was a very moving film by DeWitt Jones. Jones was a photographer from National Geographic.  The main point of the film was that we should focus on what’s right in the world, instead of focusing on what’s wrong. In his film he shows how he berated himself for not getting a photograph of a field of dandelions in full bloom in time.  When he finally took the picture, the dandelions had gone to seed. Initially, his reaction was one of defeat and remorse for a missed opportunity.  However, closer examination revealed that the “puff-balls” as he called them had their own beauty.  You can view a preview of the film on his website: http://www.celebratetraining.com/


In so many areas of our life we can feel as though we missed the boat or have a field of “puff-balls.”  During this past Christmas, I felt as though I were drowning in a to-do list.  Items on the list were stacked up like planes at JFK.  Finally my dog Rosie couldn’t wait any longer.  She prodded my hand off of the computer mouse with her nose and proceeded to jump up on me.  “I give up,” I told her.  I plunked my son’s helmet on his head and declared it was time to scooter around the neighborhood.  Although no further progress was made on the laundry, customer care calls or gift wrapping, it was a refreshing activity to energize.  The outing gave me a fresh perspective and relieved anxiety.  I focused on what I DID have.  We swung through the basement on our way back inside and remembered I had a beautiful gold garland there, just waiting to be brought up to the family room for the holidays.  I didn’t need to go out to find decorations after all. 


I often hear excuses from myself and from others for not exercising – no time, it’s too early, it’s too late, I’m too tired.  And (especially) in my role as a Weight Watchers instructor, I have to ask, “What CAN you do?” At some point, you have to get away from the negative and flip it to the positive.  That point is now!


Melanie Lewis is the mother of 2 boys ages 5 and 8.   She is married and works part-time as Silpada representative and a weight loss consultant. She enjoys book club, and playing with her Blue-mitted Ragdoll, Percy and Golden Retriever, Rosie.  She can be reached at [email protected].