Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches Announces Men as Allies


(West Palm Beach, Fla.) – On Thursday, November 9, men will open their hearts – and two will open their restaurant – to join forces with Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches (JWF). “JWF Men as Allies: Why Feminism is Good for Men,” is the first event in an overall campaign to educate and engage men about gender equality. The cocktail reception and program is being hosted by Eddie Schmidt and Ozzie Medeiros at their restaurant, Table 26, and will feature a presentation and discussion by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D., a thought leader in philosophy and humanities. The program begins at 6:30 p.m.

“We are thrilled to be launching our ‘Men as Allies’ campaign,” said Jay Bauer, chair of the “JWF Men as Allies” committee. “It is critical men understand the opportunity they have to participate in improving the lives of women and girls. As an inclusive organization, JWF relies on the voices of many, who stand to improve the lives of all.”

“JWF Men as Allies: Why Feminism is Good for Men” will examine one of JWF’s core beliefs – that when women and girls are supported and empowered, the entire community benefits – men and boys included. Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D., an author, speaker and interdisciplinary scholar, who is currently a Master Instructor of Philosophy at Indian River State College where he teaches courses in philosophy and humanities, will lead the discussion. Nall plans to focus on how societal norms limit the ability of men and women to be safe and reach their full potential.

“We are sincerely alarmed by current conditions and trends in our country and around the world,” said Tami Lesser Baldinger, CEO of JWF. “This discussion is relevant and timely, because it is obvious there is still so much work to be done to create a just and fair society for all. We hope men – and women – will come together at this first program with open minds and thoughtful ideas.”

“JWF Men as Allies” committee members include: Nir Buchler, Richard Comiter, Gary Lesser, Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik, Brahm Levine, Brian Lowenthal, Adam Myron, Andrew Reitman, Eddie Schmidt, Herb Siegel, Jason Stuhmer and Joel Yudenfreund.

Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches is a nonprofit grant making and advocacy organization established to improve the lives of women and girls. Guided by Jewish values, JWF advocates for advancing all women and girls, and funds projects that have long-term effects for societal change on local, national and international levels by placing an unwavering focus on the root cause of issues. An inclusive organization, JWF welcomes members of all beliefs and genders who believe that when women and girls are empowered, the entire community benefits.

Tickets to the “Men as Allies” reception are $40. To purchase tickets, or for more information about Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches, please visit, call 561-275-2200 or email Miriam Laing at [email protected].