July, 2009 – Women’s Chamber Summer Strawberry Festival on August 12th


For Immediate Release

The Women’s Chamber of PBC cordially invites you to their

Summer Strawberry Festival

at Testa’s Palm Beach

 221 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

5:30 p.m. ~ 7:30 p.m.



Be prepared to indulge in all sorts of strawberry delights and beverages!


Cash Bar

50/50 Drawing to benefit the Women’s Chamber Foundation

Business Card Drawing ~ Door Prizes


Testa’s is graciously offering a 10% discount for those

who would like to stay for dinner after our Event! 


 MEMBERS:  $20 on or before 08/10/2009 ~ $25 on 08/11/2009

NON-MEMBERS: $25 on or before 08/10/2009 ~ $30 on 08/11/2009

$35 – Members and Non-Members at the door


  RSVP by August 10, 2009

By Phone:  (561) 684-4523

On-Line:  www.womenschamber.biz