July, 2009 – Meeting to Discuss “Corruption County” Set for July 21st at 2pm Sharp!


On Tuesday, July 21, the Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners have an important item on their agenda at 2pm. This is “Time Certain”. There will be not be the usual hours of waiting for the agenda item to come up.

The item to be discussed is: “Grand Jury Report”. I have attached a copy of this scathing report. If you do not have time to read the full report, just scan the yellow highlighted parts to get the gist. If you cannot open it, or do not have the time to read it, here is a quick summary:

  1. The reputation of Palm Bch County has deteriorated to the point that PBC is derisely referred to as “Corruption County”.
  2. Accountability and transparency are not being adequately addressed.
  3. Solutions to these problems will prove elusive until meaningful independent oversight exists.
  4. The Grand Jury recommends an independent watchdog entity to monitor the activities of the County government“.

I have also attached a letter written by our Vice Mayor, Dennis Lipp which was sent to the local newspapers. Here is an excerpt from that letter that gets to the crux of the issue to be decided on Tuesday:

The “powers that be” don’t want to spend the money to have an independent new constitutional “Office of Inspector General”. The scuttlebutt seems to be that the County Administrator wants use the internal auditor to fill this role.  Might this be the same internal and external county auditors that missed the embezzlement of $1,556,961 over three years from the Convention & Visitors Bureau? (pg 41 of the Grand Jury Report)  Where is the transparency?  Where is the accountability?  The internal auditor reports to the County Administrator.  The County Administrator works at the pleasure of the BCC?  Isn’t this the same as having the fox guard the hen house?

Our Vice Mayor asks for your support in fighting the current culture of corruption in Palm Beach County. The citizens should demand a truly INDEPENDENT entity to watch out for our tax dollars. The ‘good ole boy’ system of appointing your buddies – clearly defeats the purpose!

If you can make the time to attend the Tuesday BCC meeting, please gather at Hillary’s restaurant in the corner plaza at Southern and RPB Blvd at noon on Tuesday. A free lunch will be provided and a free T-shirt which reads; WE ARE MAD AS HELL & WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE! If we can gather 25 people, we will have a free bus provided for the ride to the BBC meeting. The bus will leave at approx. 1:15pm.

Please respond to Dennis or Doreen @ 793-6013 if you can make the time to attend this very important meeting.

Welcome to “Corruption County”

Dennis C. Lipp, Loxahatchee Groves

On May 21, 2009, the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in and for the County of Palm Beach, FL issued the final presentment of the Palm Beach County Grand Jury, “INVESTIGATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC CORRUPTION ISSUES,” Spring Term A.D. 2009.  On page 1 of this 57 page document you will find these words:  “Indeed, the reputation of Palm Beach County has deteriorated to the point that Palm Beach County is derisively referred to as “Corruption County.”  On Tuesday, July 21st, Palm Beach County’s Board of County Commissioners (BCC) regular meeting will have the agenda item; “Grand Jury Report” 2:00 PM, Time certain.

Anyone who has lived in Palm Beach County for the last 3 or 4 years knows three county commissioners and two city commissioners who made headlines with their guilty pleas to corruption charges.  On page 24 of the report you will read, “The Grand Jury listened to testimony regarding corrupt land deals, bond underwriting arrangements, conflicts of interest, gifts and gratuities and a system that reflected to some a “culture of corruption.”   The arrest and conviction of five publicly elected officials does not represent a “culture.”  A corrupt culture requires a host of enablers in order for the corruptors to be successful.  If you want to read the Grand Jury report in its entirety go to www.sa15.state.fl.us/GJ/Final Presentment of the Palm Beach County Grand Jury.pdf

Of the six recommendations, one of the primary recommendations of the Grand Jury Report was the establishment of a new office; the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to function as a watchdog agency. Palm Beach County will not have to create this OIG from the ground up.  The Grand Jury recommends using the template that Miami-Dade crafted for the position of OIG.  Here is where you and I must stand up and make ourselves heard.  The “powers that be” don’t want to “spend the money” to have a new constitutional officer, i.e. OIG.  The scuttlebutt seems to be that the County Administrator wants use the internal auditor to fill this role.  Might this be the same internal and external county auditors that missed the embezzlement of $1,556,961 over three years from the Convention & Visitor’s Bureau? (pg 41 of the Grand Jury Report)  Where is the transparency?  Where is the accountability?  The internal auditor reports to the County Administrator.  The County Administrator works at the pleasure of the BCC?  Isn’t this the same as having the fox guard the hen house?

In Miami-Dade, the first year’s budget for the OIG was $200,000.  “In their first year of operations the OIG uncovered several multi-million dollar scandals which resulted in substantial restitution to the county.” (pg 45 of Grand Jury Report)  We, the voters and taxpayers of Palm Beach County, must demand that the BCC have an OIG that is independent of any BCC “strings”.  Comments like “Times are tough” and “We can’t afford it” must be answered by a loud and clear voice from the public: “WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY LONGER.” See you on the 21st and wear RED!