July, 2009 – South FL Kids Consignment


For Immediate Release



Joel Zaidspiner or Damian Maravankin

Managing Partners, South Florida Kids Consignment

[email protected]

Phone:  561-594-3992



Parents Make Money/Save Money at South Florida Kids Consignment Mega Event on July 23 – 26!


When the economy is bad and money is tight, where do South Florida’s smartest parents turn for high quality children’s clothing, toys, books and room décor? Discounts at retail stores can help, but prices may still be steep considering the short amount of time that most kid’s items are actually used. There are consignment shops, but their selection is often thin and the quality of their goods uneven.


Now two ambitious South Florida entrepreneurs have come up with a better solution. It’s called South Florida Kids Consignment, a four day Mega Event scheduled for July 23 – 26. 2009 at the South Florida Fairgrounds.


“The way we describe this event is as a garage sale on steroids,” says Joel Zaidspiner, one of the event’s founders. “Not only will shoppers find 30,000 square feet of children’s items to select from, but all items will be carefully screened, ensuring only quality merchandise appears on the selling floor.”


For parents/caregivers looking for a way to make some quick cash while money is tight, Florida Kids Consignment is an easy, quick way to sell your children’s outgrown stuff without having to lift a finger. All sellers need to do is go to www.southfloridakidsconsignment.com and follow the simple instructions for tagging merchandise. Drop it off at a prescheduled appointment time you set at your convenience, and then wait to collect your profits. It’s the easiest way to make money from items you no longer need. Plus there are no upfront charges for participating and no fee to attend the event.


Looking to up your profit potential? Sellers can increase their profit percentage from 60% to 65% by volunteering to help at the sale. Refer five or more friends who participate in the sale, and you’ll get an additional 5% profit added on top.


Not only is South Florida Kids Consignment an excellent way to help families through this tough economy—on both the buying and selling side—but this company is also committed to helping children in our community. To do so, South Florida Kids Consignment is donating 5% of the sale’s total profits to The Boys and Girls Club of Palm Beaches.


In a world where conspicuous consumption is no longer a popular pastime, South Florida Kids Consignment offers a way for families to make money from things they already have and no longer need. It provides an excellent shopping option for quality, gently used children’s items, and it fits the green model of living—reduce, reuse, recycle.


The first 200 people to register will be entered in a drawing for a $100 Toys R Us gift card. Food and beverage will be available for purchase at the sale.


At the South Florida Fairgrounds, July 23 to 26, 2009
At the South Florida Fairgrounds, July 23 to 26, 2009