July, 2010 – Kelly Fason Wins Grace Hoadley Dodge Award

From: YWCA of Palm Beach County
Re: Winner of YWCA’s 2010 Grace Hoadley Dodge Award
Date: July 22, 2010
Contact: Allyson Samiljan – 561-640-0050, Ext. 115
Kelly Fason
Kelly Fason

The YWCA of Palm Beach County is pleased to announce that Kelly Fason is the recipient of its Grace Hoadley Dodge Award for 2010. The award is presented annually to a woman residing in Palm Beach County who has overcome adversity and in the process has not only empowered herself but also created opportunities for and led other women toward their own empowerment.

Kelly Fason is the co-founder and chief executive officer for Dress for Success Palm Beaches, an organization that provides women with free clothing to wear to interviews and in the work place and offers networking and skills classes.
For more information or to nominate someone for the 2011 award, please contact the YWCA at 561-640-0050, Ext. 115.