July, 2010 – SouthFloridaTheaterReview.com


South Florida Theater Review Launches Online


On July 26, theater critic Bill Hirschman and arts journalist Lawrence A. Johnson will unveil South Florida Theater Review, designed to be the comprehensive web site with reliable, vetted information and trusted opinion about theater in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

        www.southfloridatheaterreview.com will serve the entire theater community: casual theatergoers wondering what to see this weekend and fervent fans wanting the latest dish on what’s coming months from now, theater professionals seeking word about auditions, producers wanting to let the public know about an added show or last-minute cancellation, snowbirds, natives, playwrights, designers, students and fans seeking links to research resources, even expatriate actors in NYC, LA or on the road hungry for news from home.


And, of course, there will be reviews of every professional production throughout the three counties that our time and manpower will accommodate. We’ll take advantage of the web’s immediacy by striving to turn reviews around in 24 to 48 hours. Eventually, we’ll review cast albums, DVDs and shows in NYC that Floridians might want to see, possibly even other regions to compare how our theater compares with theirs.


        Once we have ramped up, there will be something new, entertaining and informative to discover nearly every other day.

        Other facets we have planned will include:

·        The most up-to-date calendar of coming events, stretching as far into the future as we have information — with more than just dates, but information about what each production is about so you can make informed choices.

·        A massive list of websites: professional resources, research sites, fan sites, links to podcasts and videos.

·        A directory of contact information for every theater in the region: professional, community and college.

·        Bill’s blog, tentatively called “StageBill,” will provide a comments section that we hope will create a dialog among yourselves and us.

·        Interviews and advances as staffing permits. We’ll also link to videos and photos posted by the theaters.

        We can’t succeed without you as this site grows and evolves. We’ll need your help to keep this as current as possible.

        Please share your news items, let us know as far in advance as possible about schedule changes, tip us to story ideas, suggest improvements.


Theater companies and public relations representatives seeking coverage should email Bill at [email protected] and cc Larry at [email protected].  Inquiries about advertising and business matters, contact Larry at the above address.


Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues. If you run a theater and post postcards/flyers for other shows, we’d appreciate it if you’d put ours out there, too.