July, 2011 – It’s All in the Game Event


Press Release


From:               YWCA of Palm Beach County

Re:                   “It’s All in the Game”

Date:                July 12, 2011

Contact:           Allyson Samiljan – 561-640-0050, Ext. 115

[email protected]                                                                             





The YWCA of Palm Beach County will host “It’s All in the Game,” an event that includes a buffet luncheon, Chinese auction and playing your favorite board, card and dice games–Scrabble, poker or bunco, among others.  Chaired by Theresa LePore, and Judi Miller the event will begin at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 23, 2011, at Bear Lakes Country Club, 1901 Village Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida.  Eileen Daly is the Queen Sponsor with The Academy for Practical Nursing and Health Occupations, Palm Beach Kennel Club & Poker Room, and Suzanne Turner serving as Jack Sponsors.


Get your game group together and come out for an afternoon of fun!  Proceeds from your donation of $55 per person will support the programs of the YWCA including Harmony House, a secure shelter for abused women and their children; two Child Development Centers; transitional housing for women; Y-Girls, a leadership and mentoring program for girls ages 9-13; and racial justice advocacy.


To make your reservation or for additional information, please contact the YWCA, 561-640-0050, Ext. 115.