July, 2012 – 4th of July in downtown Lake Worth


Lake Worth Downtown Cultural Alliance presents

A Full Day of 4th of July Festivities

An Old Fashioned Downtown Patriotic Explosion

Wednesday, July 4   

Full Day of Downtown Lake Worth Fun


Downtown Lake Worth will be exploding with activity during the entire Fourth of July. From the early morning raft races to the end of the day Fireworks, Lake Worth will become the epicenter of the best holiday celebrations the region has to offer.  Lake Worth’s 4th of July represents an Old Fashioned Family Fun Event. Programs of Events and Location of Events will be available throughout the entire town on the 4th of July.



12:00 PM: Costume Contest for Great American Raft Race: All rafters will be competing for the best raft.  They will then come into town and compete for the best costumes. Contest will be judged at the Bee’s Knees, 704 Lake Avenue.

1:00 PM: Adult, Children and Animals are encouraged to wear Patriotic Costumes.  Awards will be given for the best costumes.

2:00 PM: The 3rd Annual Pie Baking Contest has become one of the most popular and tasty events of the 4th of July Celebration.  Each year Lake Worth Restaurants lend the talents of their top Chef’s as judges. Their job is to taste each of the dozens of submitted pies selecting first, second and third place winners.  Judges this year are Curtis Hillard of South Shores Tavern, Pietro Priola of Pietro’s Plump Tomatoes, Joe Angelucci of Brogue’s Down Under and Rosanna Jimenez of Nature’s Way Café. Enter the contest by calling Michelle Bell, 531 East Boutique, 515 Lake Avenue.561-249-2524.  All pies will be brought to Michelle on July 4 by 10:00 AM.   

3:00 PM: Water Melon Eating Constest will be sponsored by Nature’s Way Café.  It will take place if front of the Café at 513 Lake Avenue.  A grand prize will be awarded for the person who can eat the most watermelon in the shortest amount of time.

4:00 PM: The Patriotic Hat Contest will be held on the Patio of E-Brehm’s Hats behind Sassy Kat, 609 ½ Lake Avenue.  Compete with the fanciful and Art Deco Hats in one of Lake Worth’s newest stores.  The setting for this event is an arts experience in itself.

5:00 PM: Bike and Stroller Contest at Bee’s Knees.  Decorate bikes and strollers in in Patriotic Colors.  The huge Tourtoises at Bee’s Knees will be there to award the prizes.


Pig Kissing Booth (Have yourself photographed while kissing the pig) and Petting Zoo will be found at all day at Paws on the Avenue, Lake and L Streets.


Children’s Fun: The Pied  Piper of Lake Worth, Javier Del Sol, is planning a full day of exciting fun for children.  The Cultural Plaza will be filled with music, games, face painters, dancers and arts and crafts.  Children and their parents can wander in and out all day participating in the activities.  They can go off to other contests, the petting zoo, the turtle races, the bike and stroller contests.  They can come back to the Culural Plaza again and again for lots fun activity.

Contests will take place throughout the day judged by a much esteemed band of local celebrities and renowned chefs.  Watermelon eaters, loosen your belts. Water balloon tossers, warm up your pitching arms. Pie bakers, pre-heat your ovens.  Hat designers, get your red, white and blue feathers out.  Costume makers, rev up your sewing machines.  There will be contests for all of you.


The Downtown Cultural Alliance (DCA) is a non-profit association of Downtown merchants and residents working together to keep Downtown Lake Worth vibrant and welcoming.  The DCA works hand in hand with The City of Lake Worth, LULA (The Lake Worth Arts Corridor) The Lake Worth CRA and The Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce to produce 4th of July events, Evenings on the Avenue, Second Saturday Sidewalk Sales and all the events that make Lake Worth you Family Fun Destination.


For additional information contact:

Joyce Brown- Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery– 605 Lake Avenue – 215-205-9441