July, 2012 – Identity Theft Presentation on July 18th


Every 3 seconds of every day someone’s credit or debit card information is stolen.


SHULAMIT HADASSAH has scheduled one of the most informative and entertaining speakers in the country to conduct a presentation on Identity Theft and how NOT to become another crime statistic.

Identity Theft; Credit/Debit Card Fraud; Home Burglary; Parking Lot Assault; Abduction; Purse Snatching;

Distraction Scams; Internet Scams

Wednesday, July 18th @ 7pm

Fire Station #30

9950 Stribling Way, Wellington, FL. 33414

Couvert $5 members/$10 non-members

RSVP: Sondra (561) 966-3779 [email protected]


Don’t miss this opportunity to come and learn all you need to know from one of the leading authorities


Light refreshments will be served

Learn how to avoid becoming the victim of: