July, 2013 – Edible Plant Sale


Tropical Fruit Tree & Edible Plant Sale

Tropical Fruit Tree & Edible Plant Sale

at the South Florida Fairgrounds


Saturday July 20, 2013   9am to 2 pm

Enter through gate 5 on Southern Blvd.

Free admission and free parking

100’s of varieties, 1,000’s to choose from, including

Avocado, Bananas, Barbados Cherry, Black Sapote, Canistel, Carambola, Citrus, Dragon Fruit, Figs, Guava, Grumichama, Jackfruit, Jaboticaba, Longan, Lychee, Macadamia, Mamey Sapote, Mango, Miracle Fruit, Mulberry, Papaya, Peach, Persimmon, Soursop, Sugar Apple, Star Apple, Tamarind, Herbs & Spices, Specially formulated Fruitilizer and much much more!

The Palm Beach RFC has been holding Tropical Fruit Tree and Edible Plant Sales twice yearly for more than 30 consecutive years (at the Fairgrounds since 2003)

Established in 1970, we are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and furthering the cultivation and use of tropical and rare fruit in south Florida and throughout the world.

The organization includes several hundred members interested in learning about, growing and enjoying tropical fruits.

Monthly meetings are the 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Mount’s Building, 531 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach. Each meeting has an educational lecture by a speaker in the field of fruit science or related field; a fruit tree auction; a seed & plant exchange; and our famous “tasting table” – a chance to taste various tropical fruits grown by our members.

Membership is $25 yearly. Member benefits include Monthly newsletter – filled with informative articles about growing rare fruits and related topics. Propagation classes – members learn how to graft & air-layer tropical fruit trees.  Annual Ice Cream Social – for members and their guests only; the ice cream is handmade with fruits grown by members. Plant Sales twice yearly – members can bring fruit trees and edible plants to sell to the general public. Organized field trips to regional fruit tree collections and plantings. Monthly field trips to member yards and local orchards. Volunteer opportunities for many interesting & exciting events and committees. Specially formulated fertilizer and pruning/grafting tools offered at a discount.


Available for interview:

Susan Lerner, Plant Sale Chairperson, Immediate Past President

561-478-7444 ~ [email protected]