July, 2013 – Summer Music Camp at Village Music





2013 Summer Music Camp:

Instrument Exploration

An Introduction to Various Instrument Groups

July 22nd – 26th, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Participants will have the chance to learn about and experiment with all of the following instrument groups:

– Keyboard

– Guitar/Ukulele

– Woodwinds

– Drums/Percussion

– Brass

Our goal is to provide participants with experiences that are educational, creative, and interactive and to musically inspire kids of all ages in a fun group setting.


Daily Schedule


9:00 – 9:45:            Introduction to Instrument Group 1A: history, family, theory, musical contributors, demonstrations


10:00 – 10:45:                   Hands-on Group 1A Instrument Lessons


11:00 – 11:45                     Music Film


12:00 – 12:45                     Lunch


1:00 – 1:45              Introduction to Instrument Group 1B


2:00 – 2:45             Hands-on Group 1B Instrument Lessons


Tuition: $300, including lunch on last day. (Sibling Discount: $500 for 2 children)

