July, 2014 – Wellington Launches FY 2015 Budget Challenge


Wellington Launches FY 2015 Budget Challenge

If you live, work, or play in Wellington, here is your chance to have your voice heard about how your tax dollars should be spent. The budget challenge will help Wellington set its funding priorities for the next fiscal year and create a balanced budget that reflects the needs of the community. This survey allows residents to make decisions about how much support certain services should receive, such as municipal golf courses, drainage and surface water assessment (ACME), law enforcement, park programming, customer service, and spending priorities.

Residents can take the budget challenge by visiting Wellington’s website at www.wellingtonfl.gov and clicking on the budget challenge link displayed on the homepage. Alternatively, you may look for us at upcoming events or visit Village Hall to participate in the survey.  We also have survey links posted on the Village’s Facebook page (facebook.com/VillageofWellington), Twitter (@Wellingtonflgov), Channel 18, and in the utility bills

Dates for the upcoming budget challenge forums will be announced soon and Wellington encourages public participation.

For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.