July/August, 2011 – Astrology at Work




July/August, 2011 karola-crawford


By Karola Krawford


Happy July and Happy Birthday to Cancer and in August Leo.  We live in a dream world, don’t we, and we can create life from our own perspective.  Both of these signs know how to live, love, and create a home.  Yes, our thoughts become things, so think good ones!  Our thoughts are just that, our thoughts and as Cancer signs change their thoughts and feelings every 2 to 3 days with the moon, it is important to be aware of what it is that you are thinking as your day will shape up to be just that.  Wake up in the morning and think about creating the perfect day during the first 19 seconds, before your eyes are even open so that no matter what happens that day, it is perfect and you are in the flow of creation.  For example, a friend that states “I cannot lose weight no matter what diet that I am on” will ultimately be right. The Universe will tell you ok, I have heard you 7000 times and you are getting what you want.  Don’t let that become you.  There is no judgment out there, only your own.  


See yourself the way that you want yourself to be and rephrase that statement into a positive one.  “I have lost all the weight that I want to and I am totally healthy and loving it”.  Get into it, create the feeling, feel the emotion, and see it.  See how healthy that you are, see those muscles, see the energy and feel how wonderful that it feels to be the perfect you.  Get into it!  Hoot, holler, jump up and down and feel it.  You are so susceptible to your feelings and emotions so you want to control them, not have them run you or your life. You are creating life anyway, so why not do it consciously and create the life that you enjoy and love.  The ultimate feeling is Happiness, so focus on it.  Affirm daily that you have Abundance in all areas of your love and that you are the healthiest, wealthiest, happiest that you ever were.  Affirm that you have happy friends, affirm that you love your life, and affirm that your life is working because it is.  You will have exactly what you ask for, and your thoughts are constant prayers asking for what you want. 


If you don’t like your life, change your thoughts.  Be aware of what you are creating.  Look around you and see whether you like it, and, if you don’t, start changing the way that you think.  You have total accuracy in manifesting and the images that come into play are no accidents; you have created them so take responsibility for your thoughts. Once you get this totally, your life will be effortless, as we are natural born creators, and the Universe will assist you no matter what you think.  It is ultimately your choice so know what it is that you want.  Spend some time thinking about it and make sure that you are getting into the details, the feelings and the action of deliberately living the exciting, happy life of your dreams.  Never use phrases like “It must not have been meant to be,” as this robs you of your power.  Nothing happens to you, as you are totally in control of not only your response to life, but also the very creation of the way that each and every day manifests for you, so create and have fun. You cannot control other people, however, so the only things that you control are your own feelings and thoughts.  Recognize that each and every creature has the creative power within them, so if you affirm total Happiness each and every day, you will be creating this.  It may or may not include the things, the people, the houses, the jobs, the behavior that you currently have, but does it matter if you are ultimately happy beyond your imagination?  So, yes, imagine, create, and bask in the excitement of creating Love and Happiness in your life. And don’t be in charge of how it plays out. For your success is much more accurate if you hand the details over to the Universe and let it bring those to you.  


Happy Birthday Cancer and Happy creating.  What will this month bring you?  Whatever your little heart desires.


Leo – You also are in the power of creating and the best way is to let your feelings be exuberant and joyous.  Affirm each morning, before you open your eyes, that you are having the best day of your life.  See it, feel it, and others will respond to your inner light which shines brightly, and they will recognize that you are the star of your beautiful creations, your family and your life.  Have the best birthday ever Leo.  You rock!


Virgo – Are you getting it?  Those details that you are focused on had better serve you well.  Matters of the heart are important to you this month, so feel what you want and focus on the end result.  Leave the details up to the universe.


Libra – Home is important as are the emotions that the people in your life are creating around you.  Take charge and make it happen.  Balance can only come from you.


Scorpio – Your beliefs are being questioned as your ruler takes time to cause you to think deeper.  Is this really what you want?  If life is not exactly going in the direction of your dreams, meditate and focus on a new reality.  Be happy.  Yahoo, you deserve it!


Sagittarius – Yes, are you getting it?  Life is in the palms of your hands and you are able to bring visions and desires into form.  Make sure that you are totally happy with each and every creation that shows up, and if not, watch those thoughts.  You understand that prayer is what you are sending out continuously.


Capricorn – Bring your life into balance and let relationship play a major part.  The universe wants nothing more than to give you what you are asking for, so watch your thoughts.  Ask only for what you really, truly want, and you will not be disappointed when you get it.  You rock, baby.


Aquarius – If manifestation is coming on suddenly and quicker than you anticipated, it is no accident.  Meditate and watch what you are in the process of creating, as you are having one heck of a deliberate month.  Thoughts are things, so send out the desire for happiness.


Pisces – You little dreamer, you, I think that you have got it!  Is it working in your favor?  If not, re-examine what your specific thoughts say, and change them to what you want and ultimately already have.  Life is yours for the asking, so order up the best!


Aries – Yes, you think that you have control, and you do, but only over yourself and your thoughts and desires.  Send out the most positive visions and act quickly as you tend to get quick reactions in return.  Your life works, did you notice?


Taurus – Your desires will manifest in whatever way that you are sending out your requests, so let go of the old doubts and security blanket and change your thoughts to what you wish to create.  It is already a request in the making!

Gemini – You have so many thoughts going through your head that it is very important to slow them down in meditation and examine them.  Do they serve you?  Yes, change them if they are not perfect, for your life shows up just the way that you ordered it.  The menu is endless, so ask for Happiness.

Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 25 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-234-6338 or by visiting the web site at www.shamanofvisionsforhealing.com.