June, 2009 – Artist Carin Wagner at Whole Foods Market


For Immediate Release

Contact: Lauren Belinsky

2635 State Road 7

Wellington, FL 33414


[email protected]




Local Artist Wine and Cheese Reception at Whole Foods Market



WHAT:          Welcome Carin Wagner, our new local artist exhibiting her stunning work in the café.  Enjoy elegant wine, cheese and live music, by pianist Barbara Gomulka, while admiring Carin’s beautiful art.  $10 donation per person will go to the local Habitat for Humanity branch in West Palm Beach.  Pre-registration requested by calling 561-904-4000.


VISUALS:        6:00-8:00pm Carin will be greeting her guests all evening with live music

                        – 6:00-8:00pm Habitat for Humanity will have an information table

                        Silent Auction will end at 7:30pm and winners will be announced


WHO:           Carin Wagner is a fine artist based in the Palm Beach, Florida area.

Much of her work is influenced by landscapes seen in her travels through France, the gardens throughout Provence, Normandy, Monet’s garden in Giverny and our own beautiful Florida gardens.  Carin’s work has been showcased in numerous publications and shown in many Florida galleries. Her work was recently exhibited at the Sherry French Gallery in New York, and is soon to be on its way to LA.

COST:           $10 Donation will be collected for Habitat for Humanity per the wishes of the artist.  Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian housing ministry.  Habitat welcomes all people-regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or any other difference–to build simple, decent, affordable houses with those who lack adequate shelter.  Habitat affiliates work locally in communities around the world to select and support homeowners, organize volunteers and coordinate house building.

WHEN:         Friday, June 26th 6:00-8:00pm. 

WHERE:       Whole Foods Market – Wellington

2635 State Rd. 7, Wellington, FL 33414




Carin Wagner - Artist at Whole Foods Market