June, 2009 – The Mommy & Me Pony Program


Wall Street Farm

13159 57th Place

South Shore BLVD

Wellington, FL  33414



Mommy & Me Pony’s Program




Mommy & Me Pony’s is a program designed for Mothers and children under 5 yrs old to experience the wonderful world of ponies while enveloping a bond between mother and child. This is a wonderful opportunity where Mom and children discover, learn, explore and play together.


Our goal at Wall Street Farm is to offer parent’s and their children affordable, learning-based classes designed to foster each of these areas of early development and lay the foundation for later success. We believe that much can be gained from introducing your child into a structured learning environment long before preschool, as long as that environment is nurturing and fun. And what kids don’t love ponies???


The early years of life are critical to your child’s intellectual, social and emotional development.  At this point in their life, positive and enriching experiences will have an ever lasting impact. Mommy and Me Pony’s provides opportunities for children and their mothers to learn and share the new experiences of ponies together and be exposed to various stimulating and challenging experiences in a warm environment.

Each 1 hour Mommy & Me session is supervised by a WSFRA instructor.  The session is filled with the introduction and interaction between mom, child and the pony that is chosen to fit the personality of the mother & child pair.


·                     Basic care-Petting, treats, grooming, bubble baths and getting farmiliar and comfortable with the pony.

·                     Riding Basics from square one.  Step one-Leading. Step two-Lead line and  pony rides, learning on the lunge line.  Step three-Riding on their own with mommy close by.  Step four- Walking and trotting up to as far as they want to advance.


The Mommy and Me Pony experience provides Mom’s and their children the opportunity to engage and learn a passion of ponies that is shared by so many together as a team.


This program runs year round and morning, afternoon and evening hours are available, And even though it is called Mommy & Me Pony’s, we are more than happy to accomodate those Daddy’s who wish to partake in this wonderful bonding experience.


 Please call for availablility.