June, 2009 – Wellington High School’s Young Democrats



Wellington High School’s Young Democrats Meeting


     Under their new banner and logo, Evan Baumel, founder and President welcomed the newly elected officers and distinguished guests to their 2nd meeting.

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Officers include:


Evan Baumel, President, Victoria Davy, Programming Vice-President

Sharonda Hagen, 12th Grade Membership Vice-President

Jesus Hernandez, Vice President/Interclub Council Representative

Kodie Ann Walcott, Co-Secretary, Joseph Wallace, Co-Secretary

Alyson Davy, Treasurer

Mallory McCabe, Board Member/Membership Committee Co-Chair

Samuel Alba, Board Member/Membership Committee Co-Chair

Sharon Willcox, Club Sponsor


     The officers recited the preamble to their new constitution and were installed. All attendees signed the Wellington Community High School Young Democrats Club Constitution which was signed and witnessed by distinguished guests including: Village Council Representative Matt Willhite, PB County Board of Education’s Paulette Burdick, Wellington Precinct Captain Nancy Pena-Brink, Assistant to State representative Joseph Abruzzo, Justin Waldron and Assistant to US representative Alcee Hastings, Dan Liftman.  All were given a commemorative pen for the occasion.


     Matt Willhite, our Village Council Representative said a few inspiring words of congratulations and mentioned the importance of young people taking an interest in their government and political awareness. Paulette Burdick, A member of the PB County Board of Education, presented Evan Baumel with a copy of the US Constitution and a Florida Senate handbook for the group to use as resources.  In addition, she thanked Mrs. Sharon Willcox, Wellington High School English teacher, for sponsoring the club. Nancy Pena-Brink, Wellington Precinct Captain reviewed how to read our League of Women Voters Palm Beach County Voters Digest.  She informed the students as to whom our representatives are. This information was particularly important because many legislators will be speaking to the club during the 2009-2010 school year. Also, she reminded the students of the importance of registering to vote and informed the group that anyone over the age of 18 can apply to become a precinct captain. 


   Dan Liftman, assistant to Alcee Hastings, offered his congratulations and discussed that the democratic party has worked hard to support President Obama’s efforts in restoring the US economy and US representative Hastings is doing all he can to be supportive of his constituents.  He mentioned that perhaps Mr. Hastings would be able to speak to the group next year. Evan Baumel showed a variety of headlines of interest.  They included:  The seat belt law (named for Dori Slosberg), FCAT updates and Arlen Spector’s switch to the Democratic party (which will mostly like give the democratic party their 60th vote in the senate).  In addition, Evan invited Joseph Abruzzo’s assistant, Justin Waldren, to speak about the new helmet law for equestrians. 


     Programming Vice-President, Victoria Davy, announced the speakers secured for the 2009- 2010 school year: Rep. Abruzzo, Sen. Aronberg, Tara Laxer, assistant to Ted Deutsch, and many more. All faculty and students will be invited to attend lectures. Guest lectures will begin in September. There are still a few officer positions available for next year.  Students interested in joining should see Mrs. Willcox in room 2-121 or call the school at 561-795-4900 and leave a message at the main office.


For more information about the club go to www.whsyoungdems.com.


Photo IDs:

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Wellington Community High School Young Democrats Club… newly installed officers & guests:

Back row left to right:

Assistant to Representative Joseph Abruzzo: Justin Waldron Village Council Representative: Matt Willhite Vice-President/Interclub Council Representative:Jesus Hernandez

Co-Secretary: Kodie-Ann Walcott

Treasurer: Alyson Davy

Palm Beach County Board of Education Member: Paulette Burdick Assistant to US Representative Alcee Hastings: Dan Liftman Wellington Precinct Captain: Nancy E. Pena-Brink School Sponsor: Sharon Willcox


Programming Vice-President: Victoria Davy

President: Evan Baumel

Membership Committee: Samuel Alba

Membership Committee: Mallory McCabe

Not pictured:

12th Grade Membership Vice-President: Sharonda Hagen

Co-Secretary: Joseph Wallace

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Jesus Hernandez and Sharonda Hagen sign the Constitution.


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Wellington Village Council member Matt Willhite officially witnessed and signed the club’s Constitution. He also offered congratulatory remarks to the new club.

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Dan Liftman, assistant to Alcee Hastings, signed the document and offered his congratulations. He discussed that the Democratic party has worked hard to support President Obama’s efforts in restoring the US economy and US representative Hastings is doing all he can to be supportive of his constituents.

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Justin Waldron, Assistant to Representative Joseph Abruzzo signed the document. He also spoke about Mr. Abruzzo’s current success in the passage of important legislation, especially the helmet law for equestrians.

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Palm Beach County School Board Member Paulette Burdick presents the club with a copy of the US Constitution and the Florida Senate Handbook. Ms.Burdick signed and witnessed the club Constitution as well.

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Nancy Pena-Brink, Wellington Precinct Captain reviewed how to read our League of Women Voters Palm Beach County Voters Digest. She informed the students as to whom our representatives are. This information was particularly important because many legislators will be speaking to the club during the 2009-2010 school year. Also, she reminded the students of the importance of registering to vote and informed the group that anyone over the age of 18 can apply to become a precinct captain.


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Evan Baumel, President, discusses the latest in current events.

Photos by Lori Baumel.