June, 2010 – Kids’ Cooking Corner at Taste of the West


Kids’ Cooking Corner


Thursday, June 3, 2010 – 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

South Florida Fair Americraft Expo Center East


Sponsored By Whole Foods Market and Dianne M. Morin, Inc.

Having fun will be a must while girls and boys, ages 5 to 12 stir

up delicious chocolate treats with Dianne Morin’s Home Cooking for Kids and enjoy the yummy chocolates prepared with their own hands! Each session is limited to 15 and attendance is free to participating children. Adults accompanying children may purchase tickets on line at up delicious chocolate treats with Dianne Morin’s Home Cooking for Kids and enjoy the yummy chocolates prepared with their own hands! Each session is limited to 15 and attendance is free to participating children. Adults accompanying children may purchase tickets on line at





Pre-purchased tickets are $12.00 ($15.00 at door on day of event).

Registration form and sign up information . . .